Interview with the anonymous-villain from Life Force

bgc-villains Welcome, everyone! Today, we have a very special guest with us. He’s the voracious conqueror of galaxies, the one who keeps starships on their toes – Zelos, but you can call him anonymous-villain! Great to have you here.

anonymous-villain Ah, the pleasure is all mine. After all, how often do you get to interview a being who can devour entire solar systems for breakfast?

bgc-villains Indeed! So, let’s get started. What’s it like being an almost-unstoppable force of galactic destruction?

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Salamander, retitled Life Force

anonymous-villain Absolutely exhilarating! Imagine tasting the thrill of consuming not just worlds, but the hopes and dreams of their inhabitants. It’s like an endless buffet, and the screams are just *chef’s kiss*. And believe me, the dessert simply can’t be beat.

bgc-villains Sure sounds like it. The game is tough, with its alternating side and vertical scrolling levels. What’s your favorite part about shaking up the players?

anonymous-villain Oh, the shift between perspectives, of course! Keeps those pesky heroic pilots on their toes. They think they’ve just mastered one kind of challenge, and bam! I’m flipping the script. Plus, who wouldn’t enjoy watching them flounder as they scramble to adapt? Keeps things… deliciously chaotic.

bgc-villains Speaking of chaos, what do you think of the power-ups scattered throughout the game?

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anonymous-villain Oh, don’t get me started on those infernal power-ups! I’ve always felt the developers were a tad bit too generous. Here I am, trying to feast in peace, and they’re practically handing out bazookas! And the shields? Hah, like candy wrappers around dynamite. They slow them down a bit, but it’s always a mess to clean up.

bgc-villains So you’re saying the heroes have an unfair advantage?

anonymous-villain Please, those puny upgrades are mere appetizers. Let’s not kid ourselves. My guardians are intricately designed to chew through those ‘advantages’ like wet tissue paper. But, credit where it’s due, seeing those ships avoid my cunningly placed traps—oh, the thrill! Almost makes up for the inconvenience.

bgc-villains Speaking of guardians, which one is your personal favorite?

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look out for those hidden capsules

anonymous-villain Oh, that’s like asking a parent to choose their favorite child! But if I had to pick, it would be the Brain Golem. There’s something truly poetic about a brain dishing out pain. It’s kind of poetic, don’t you think? Symbiotic, even.

bgc-villains Touché! Players often struggle with the difficulty of your game. Any hidden secrets that might help them?

anonymous-villain Well, if I must spill a secret or two… look out for those hidden capsules. There’s one especially sneaky one in level three, right near the bottom of the screen behind a tough enemy wave. Collecting it can turn the tide significantly. And if you’re really desperate, try to hit every corner of the screen; sometimes, we like to hide a little insurance policy here and there.

bgc-villains Aha, some insider tips at last! Now, what do you think of the players who actually manage to beat you?

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anonymous-villain Oh, those overachievers. Part of me admires their tenacity—after all, besting me is no small feat. But let’s be honest, it’s because of players like them that I keep getting dragged back into these pesky sequels. If only they’d just surrender their planets quietly…

bgc-villains You’ve hinted at wanting a break, so can we expect a big return or are you planning an early retirement?

anonymous-villain Return or retirement, hmm? A fascinating conundrum. While a part of me dreams of a quiet galaxy far, far away, another part revels in the chaos, the challenge, the delicious destruction! Let’s just say, this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me. I might just be concocting a plot that makes my past antics look like child’s play…

bgc-villains  It’s been an absolute blast chatting with you, anonymous-villain. Any final words for our listeners?

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anonymous-villain Just this: relish the challenge, savor the struggle, and remember—every time you think you’ve won, I’m cooking up something that will make you wish you hadn’t. Bon appétit, galactic defenders!

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain! And to our audience, good luck, because you’ll need it!

You can also read the Classics conversation of Life Force here!

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