RetroGamer84 Ah, there’s nothing like some quality NES time. Speaking of which, how about we delve into this… erm, gem called Superman?

GamerFan You know, if “gem” means overly ambitious yet tragically flawed, then yes, Superman it is! Let’s save Metropolis, shall we?

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RetroGamer84 Right, so we start as mild-mannered Clark Kent. Ah, the irony of a superhero bound by his civilian guise unless energized! Transforming into Superman is like flipping from zero to somewhat hero, considering how this game goes.

GamerFan Indeed. For an action-platformer, I’d expect to jump into heroics instantly rather than collecting S symbols to power up. Super Flight is handy but feels like a glorified taxi service. And don’t get me started on the obscure locations that need X-Ray Vision.

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RetroGamer84 The controls… they’re kryptonite to my sanity! Jumping feels as though Clark Kent still has his glasses on. His punch? More laughable than Lex Luthor’s wigs. And those superpowers!? More like sometimes powers, given how finicky they are.

GamerFan True, but it’s amusing when he does use Heat Vision. It’s oddly satisfying, even though it drains your energy faster than a teenager on a sugar rush.

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RetroGamer84 These odd little limits on such a powerful hero.

GamerFan Oh, definitely! Even the Game Designer’s team seemed to have a rough flight here. Tose Co. scraped some ground with Superman. They were possibly caught up in licensing tornadoes, who knows? It’s a tough call when creating something for the Man of Steel. By the way, did you know Tose’s work is almost always uncredited? Quite the mystery team!

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RetroGamer84 That’s fascinating! It’s a testament to their perseverance, although I wish they had included a better manual with Superman. Pro tip, by the way – use your Freeze Breath strategically to handle those relentless thugs. Ice to see them thud!

GamerFan Very cool tip indeed! And for those tough spots, remember, Heat Vision lights up invisible enemies. Use it wisely. Speaking of tough spots, are you ready for the path leading to the final showdown?

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RetroGamer84 I’m bracing myself. The anticipation is palpable. Spoiler alert for anyone still easing through the game – The final boss, Lex Luthor, is comic relief more than a challenge. It’s like they cut corners with cardboard.

GamerFan Haha, yes! The ultimate anticlimax. Lex flails pathetically, asking for a punch here and a Heat Vision squint there. For all his criminal ingenuity, you’d expect more.

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RetroGamer84 Well, conquering Metropolis, even through the clunky layers, does come with a slight sense of accomplishment. Quirky and awkward, but undeniably our childhood chase. Final thoughts?

GamerFan Charmingly disastrous. The potential was there but buried under clumsy mechanics and unfulfilled fantasies. At least it makes for a quirky trip down memory lane.

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RetroGamer84 Agreed. Despite its downfall, it’s these chaotic attempts that sculpt our retrospections and enjoyment of evolving game tech. Plus, it’s always amusing poking fun with a friend. To new rescates and continued laughs!

GamerFan Hear, hear! Here’s to future adventures and occasional detours through Metropolis. Maybe next, we skip to an RP – something with an epic tale and less… facepalming, perhaps!

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RetroGamer84 Sounds like a plan! Bring on more popcorn storytelling and less clumsy heroics!

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