Interview with Anonymous-Villain from Double Dragon II: The Revenge

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! It’s an honor to have you here. Our readers are excited to get some insights straight from the main antagonist himself. How does it feel to be the mastermind behind the chaos in Double Dragon II: The Revenge?

anonymous-villain Oh, it’s absolutely thrilling! There’s nothing quite like watching Billy and Jimmy flail about trying to rescue poor Marian. It’s like giving a cat a ball of yarn and snickering at its eternal struggle. Plus, it’s always charming to see players overcome the traps and pitfalls I’ve painstakingly placed. They can’t say I didn’t challenge them, right?

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Billy.. or Jimmy..

bgc-villains Speaking of pitfalls, there are quite a few platforming sections in the NES version. Were those your idea?

anonymous-villain Guilty as charged! I had to spice things up a bit. Just beating up waves of henchmen gets monotonous. I thought, Why not give them a little parkour challenge? If Billy and Jimmy can’t combine their martial prowess with a little nimbleness, well, that’s just not my problem. They shouldn’t expect to waltz through my lair without breaking a sweat!

bgc-villains The Shadow Warriors cult certainly gives them a tough time. Any comments on your devoted underlings?

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anonymous-villain Ah, the Shadow Warriors! Loyal, fierce, and perhaps a tad overzealous. That’s what I like to see! From the beefy Abobos to the nimble Linda, each adds their own flavor to the chaos. They say a villain is only as good as his underlings, and I’d say mine are top-notch. Just wait until you meet my doppelganger in the final battle – a little surprise for those who didn’t see it coming!

bgc-villains Speaking of surprises, what’s the deal with those power-ups that players find? Did you misplace them, or is there a deeper strategy at play?

anonymous-villain Power-ups? Pfft! Have you ever heard of hiding in plain sight? Those power-ups are my little gifts. Just when players think they’re gaining the upper hand, they’ll realize it was all part of my game. Besides, even a villain likes a bit of sport. What’s the fun in an unwinnable game? Fooling the heroes into thinking they have a chance, now that’s delicious.

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challenging levels

bgc-villains The game is known for its difficulty. Any advice for players struggling to beat it?

anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely! Take a break, have a cup of tea, and think about what you’ve done. If you insist on persevering, look for patterns. Every enemy has a rhythm, and each level a secret. For instance, hitting the attack buttons alternately can trigger special moves. And always remember, the hardest levels have the most satisfying rewards. The ending on higher difficulty levels is simply… spectacular. Not that I would spoil it.

bgc-villains On the topic of endings, what’s your take on the narrative? Billy and Jimmy are quite the relentless pair, aren’t they?

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anonymous-villain Relentless? More like gluttons for punishment. But let’s give credit where it’s due. They’re resourceful and persistent, which is adorable. Whether they’re fighting for love or revenge, their determination is commendable – almost to the point where it makes me reconsider my life choices. Almost.

bgc-villains You’ve orchestrated quite an ordeal for them. Any behind-the-scenes tidbits from the game’s development you’d like to share?

anonymous-villain Ah, the old developer secrets. Well, did you know the platforming sections were originally meant to be harder? Apparently, the developers toned them down after playtesters kept rage-quitting. And those cutscenes? A stroke of genius to add drama. But rest assured, every move I make in the game is thoughtfully calculated to ensure maximum player participation… and agony.

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ancient text decoded

bgc-villains We have a lot of veteran players who managed to beat the game. Any words for those who overcame your myriad challenges?

anonymous-villain Ah, the brave few! Congratulations, you masochists! You’ve danced through my labyrinth of pain and triumphantly emerged. Enjoy your hard-earned victory – you’ve proven yourselves worthy adversaries. Just don’t get too comfortable because every victory is fleeting… and every villain has a sequel lurking somewhere.

bgc-villains Speaking of sequels, any hints about your return or future plans?

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anonymous-villain Let’s just say every shadow holds a story yet untold. And every great nemesis knows when to bide his time. Keep your reflexes sharp, heroes, for the shadows have a way of creeping back when least expected. Until then, enjoy your so-called peace, for even the calmest waters hide the deepest storms. *evil laugh*

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain. It’s been a pleasure. We’re sure our readers are now both amused and slightly more wary of their next encounter with you.

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine. Until we meet again, in the shadows!

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You can also read the Classics conversation of Double Dragon II: The Revenge here!

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