bgc-villains Greetings, everyone! Today, we’ve got a special guest, the villain of Blaster Master himself, the notorious yet elusive Anonymous-Villain. Thank you for gracing us with your menacing presence. How have you been since the game’s release in 1988?

anonymous-villain Oh, you know, just basking in the radioactive glow of my subterranean empire. It’s been quite a ride watching kids with nothing but time try to best my labyrinthine world. And what can I say? It’s good to be underestimated.

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bgc-villains Let’s get straight to it. Jason and his amphibious associate, Fred. Classic story, or just the epitome of bizarre?

anonymous-villain Classic? Perhaps, more like insanely misguided. Who raises a frog that irresponsible? But you’ve got to love the kid’s dedication. One minute you’re chasing a runaway pet, next minute you’re in a radiation zone duking it out with, well, me. I mean, who hasn’t been there?

bgc-villains Many players struggle with the platform stages. Care to comment on your architectural choices?

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Architectural choices

anonymous-villain Ah, my masterpiece. It’s modernist noir with just a twist of “try not to fall into oblivion.” I’ve seen Jason tumble into more pits than I can count. Here’s a pro tip for all those wannabe heroes: don’t look down!

bgc-villains The power-ups. What were you thinking hiding those in such obscure places?

anonymous-villain Oh, that’s simple. Think Easter egg hunt, but the kind where if you fail, you get vaporized. What fun would it be if I just handed over the keys to SOFIA the 3rd’s upgrades? Half the thrill is in the hunt, right?

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bgc-villains Speaking of thrills, what’s with the diverse arsenal Jason gets to play with? Homing missiles? Lightning balls?

anonymous-villain Those were little gifts from the developers to make Jason’s life marginally easier. Trust an 80s game to arm kids like a one-man army. But really, giving him all that firepower was just a means for me to up my defensive game. You know what they say: more weapons? More problems.

bgc-villains The game has no save or password feature. A bit harsh, don’t you think?

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Blaster Master

anonymous-villain Hah! As if my underground lair wasn’t punishment enough. But hey, think of it as character building. Only the most steadfast and sharp-witted can get through without hurling their controller across the room. Kudos to those who did. You’ve got the patience of a radioactive saint.

bgc-villains Can you reveal any secret tips that might help struggling players?

anonymous-villain Sure, I’ll throw you guys a bone. In Area 3, there’s a hidden room where you can stock up on ammo and weapon upgrades. Just look for the weirdly out-of-place platform. Also, in the final area, fire your gun at the walls systematically; you might just find yourself a secret passage or two. Now, don’t say I never did anything for you.

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bgc-villains Any interesting trivia about the game’s development you’d like to drop on us?

anonymous-villain Oh, the developers had a field day trying to balance the difficulty curve. They had this brilliant idea to give Jason the hover ability, but no one could figure out how to make it functional without him crashing into every surface. The solution? Make it almost impossible to obtain. Typical.

bgc-villains Finally, what’s next for you? Planning a comeback or enjoying retirement?

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anonymous-villain Oh, a villain never truly retires. I’ve heard whispers of reboots and sequels. Who knows? I might just pop up again to spoil someone else’s heroic day. Until then, I’m kicking back, froggos and all.

bgc-villains Thank you for joining us and sharing your delightfully devious insights. Any last words for the Blaster Master fans out there?

anonymous-villain Just this: keep an eye on your pets, always check for save points, and remember, if you managed to beat me, you deserve every bit of that victory. But don’t get too comfortable. I have a feeling you haven’t seen the last of me!

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bgc-villains And there you have it, folks. The enigmatic and entertaining Anonymous-Villain, straight from the pixelated depths. Until next time!

You can also read the Villain View of Faxanadu here and Gargoyle’s Quest II here!

You can also read the Classics conversations of Blaster Master here and Faxanadu here!

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