Interview with anonymous-villain of Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. So, let’s get right into it. How does it feel being the main antagonist in a game where the protagonist is trying to become a model of virtue?

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anonymous-villain Ah, the irony isn’t lost on me. Imagine making your life’s goal to be the epitome of Honesty, Compassion, and all those other fluffy virtues, only to find your path blockaded by little ol’ me. It’s like trying to climb Mount Everest, and finding out there’s a trickster at the summit. Thrilling, wouldn’t you say?

bgc-villains Hilarious indeed! The goal of the game is for the Avatar to embody these virtues. What role do you play in this ethical quest?

anonymous-villain My role? Oh, I’m like the sardonic dietician at a cake shop. While they gorge themselves on their virtuous behaviors, I’m there to slip a metaphorical slice of chaos into their attempts at achieving moral perfection. Remember, it’s not enough to yell “Valor!”—you have to live it, and I introduce a bit of skepticism into their journey.

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Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

bgc-villains What do you think of the game’s unique premise of focusing on personal betterment and virtue rather than just slaying a classic villain?

anonymous-villain Ha! Because who needs straightforward swordplay when you can have existential crises, right? It’s quite the twist, making them ponder their actions. But let’s not get too carried away—saving virtue might sound glamorous, but half the time they’re tripping over moral quandaries like a blindfolded elephant in a china shop.

bgc-villains That brings us to the developers of the game. Do you think they did justice balancing the virtues and the challenges?

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Exploring the overworld

anonymous-villain Oh, developers! Bless their cotton socks. They certainly have a talent for placing hidden power-ups and “secret” items to aid the Avatar’s quest. Ever wondered why that one critical item is always in the most obscure, spider-infested corner of Britannia? That’s me giving a hearty chuckle from the shadows! And my personal favorite—how they placed reagents for spellcasting like a breadcrumb trail leading to nowhere.

bgc-villains Do you have any insider secrets or tips that could help players navigate these obstacles or find these hidden items?

anonymous-villain Ah, spilling the beans, are we? Fine, let’s get cheeky then. Players often overlook Moongates, those sparkling teleportation delights. They’re like my personal cross-dimensional prank; use them wisely to bypass unnecessary fights, and save that sweet Valor for the true scuffles. And don’t even get me started on Blood Donations—Sacrifice points galore! Just watch out for the needle, it packs a sting.

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bgc-villains Interesting! While on the topic of game mechanics, what do you have to say about character creation based on ethical dilemmas?

anonymous-villain Oh, a riot that is! If your starting class is determined by your moral compass, let’s just say many a well-intentioned warrior found themselves reluctantly shoved into the role of a bard because they couldn’t quite grasp the finer nuances of Sacrifice. Character creation is like a morality pop-quiz, and I get front-row seats to their indecisive blunders.

bgc-villains What do you think of the players who manage to become the Avatar and complete the game despite your crafty interventions?

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Stay at the Inn

anonymous-villain Hats off—no, really, my invisible, villainous hat goes off to those gallant individuals. But let’s be clear: it takes a special kind of stubbornness to not only withstand relentless moral examinations but also to endure joystick-induced carpal tunnel syndrome. Their perseverance is admirable; misguided, but admirable. Kind of like trying to pet a dragon—brave, but bound to get you burned.

bgc-villains Any particular bugs or glitches in the game that have worked in your favor?

anonymous-villain Ah, the sweet serendipity of bugs! There’s the charming tendency for NPCs to repeat themselves ad infinitum. You think you’re making progress, and bam, déjà vu. And don’t forget our beloved city guards, practically omnipotent when it comes to protecting their meager pixelated treasures—good luck outmaneuvering those fellas!

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bgc-villains We’re nearing the end here, but we have to ask—what’s next for anonymous-villain? Any plans of retirement or perhaps a triumphant return?

anonymous-villain Retirement? Please, do I look like I knit sweaters by the fire? Let’s just say I’ve got my nefarious agenda mapped out. I’ll be lurking, possibly tweaking a teleportation spell or two, always ready to throw a wrench—or a sinister laugh—into the hero’s next grand escapade. Britannia hasn’t seen the last of me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

bgc-villains This has been incredibly entertaining, anonymous-villain. Thanks for your insights, tricks, and humor. Best of luck causing chaos in Britannia!

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anonymous-villain And to you. May your quill stay sharp and your questions even sharper. Until we meet again!

You can also read the Classics conversation for Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar here!

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