Interview with Anonymous-Villain: Mastermind Behind the Chaos

bgc-villains Welcome, Anonymous-Villain! We’re thrilled to have you here. Let’s start by discussing the game’s challenges. What would you say is the first major obstacle you designed for our unsuspecting hero?

anonymous-villain Ah, where to begin? First off, that cryogenic chamber in the mountains. I mean, who wakes up from a century-long nap without coffee and jumps straight into a quest? The first major obstacle? Waking up, period. Ironic, because the real challenge starts when the caffeine-deprived hero meets the first wave of monstrous minions I placed. It’s like sending an intern to battle-trained velociraptors—hilarious, right?

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bgc-villains Absolutely. And let’s not even mention the endless grind for experience and gold. Did you have any specific reasons for that?

anonymous-villain Of course! Nothing says epic adventure like mercilessly farming insignificant monsters until your thumbs cramp. Why make it easy? Besides, players need to appreciate the virtues of hard work, even if it’s at the expense of their sanity. Look, I’ll admit it: half the fun is watching them furiously debate if their controller’s broken or if they just aren’t good enough.

bgc-villains Speaking of difficulty, let’s talk about those elemental swords. They’re crucial for progression, yet so hard to max out. Why?

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anonymous-villain A magician never reveals his secrets—but for you, I’ll make an exception. Imagine having one mighty sword at your disposal. Now quadruple it, add elemental magic, and make sure each sword’s ultimate power is hidden behind obscure quests. It’s part hide-n-seek, part test of wits. Only those truly worthy—or undeterred by the most convoluted puzzles—will prevail. And for everyone else? Well, they get a lesson in frustration management.

bgc-villains Harsh, but fair. What would you say to the players who have managed to defeat you?

anonymous-villain Hats off to you, tenacious warriors! Surviving my dastardly plans and reaching the game’s climax means you’ve bested arguably the most sadistically entertaining monstrosity ever coded. You survived END DAY, an army of relentless monsters, and my charming presence. Here’s a medal, metaphorically speaking, because Game World doesn’t exactly print those out—waste of pixels, really.

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character screen

bgc-villains Any game flaws that particularly amused you during development of Crystalis?

anonymous-villain Where do I start? The item drop rates were hilarious. Need that rare artifact? How about eighteen useless potions instead? And let’s not forget the delight in watching heroes backtrack because they missed a crucial NPC hint an hour ago. Truly, sometimes it’s a comedy of errors, and other times, it’s just by design. I may have planted a few dozen such quirks just to keep things spicy.

bgc-villains What hidden secrets in the game can you reveal to make it easier for players?

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Crystalis American release start menu

anonymous-villain Well, if you’re keen on tipping the scales, there are a few things. Ever notice those inconspicuous empty corners in caves? Try bombarding them with all weapons at max power. Also, that seemingly unimportant NPC you overlooked? Yeah, bribing them with enough gold triggers a side quest unlocking life-saving items. And always remember, talking to animals isn’t just for Disney protagonists—some critters have more valuable info than the wise old wizards.

bgc-villains How about some offbeat news regarding the game’s development?

anonymous-villain Ah, insider gossip. The frantic development pace left some hilarious errors in networking. For example, the retrieval of elemental swords was supposed to follow a smoother path, but I “accidentally” suggested they be placed in locations unrelated to each other—a joyously devastating suggestion that got approved through sheer developmental chaos. Also, the whole ‘minimum level for boss damage’ concept? That was my brainchild to insert an extra middle finger to the speedrunners.

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Known in Japan as God Slayer: Haruka Tenkū no Sonata

bgc-villains What’s your favorite part of the game mechanics used to challenge the player?

anonymous-villain Definitely the mix of resource management and hidden requirements. It’s like seasoning a dish with just a sprinkle of sadism. Watching players desperately manage their MP in heated battles while scrambling to remember which special item they missed five dungeons ago—chef’s kiss! And those one-time-use items? It’s all about the balance between courage and paranoia, folks.

bgc-villains Any hint for what players might expect from you in the future—a triumphant return, perhaps?

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anonymous-villain Ah, always leaving on a cliffhanger, aren’t we? Let’s just say retirement isn’t in the cards. Don’t be surprised if you hear whispers of another masterfully crafted labyrinth of mayhem in the future. Keep your swords sharp and your wits sharper, heroes. The tower in the sky isn’t done watching—or meddling. Until next time!

bgc-villains Fascinating stuff. Thanks for your time, Anonymous-Villain. It’s been a delight.

anonymous-villain The pleasure’s been mine. Until we meet again, my budding heroes and heroines!

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You can also read the Classics conversation for Crystalis here!

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