Welcome back, gamers and game enthusiasts! Today, we have a very special guest joining us from the world of retro gaming. Please give a (metaphorical) round of applause for our mysterious guest, the main villain from Clash at Demonhead, who goes by the alias anonymous-villain. Welcome, anonymous-villain!
Ah, yes, it’s great to be here! Sometimes it’s good to step out of the shadows and show the world there’s more to me than being just a “diabolical LAWBREAKER.” Besides, those hero types get way too much spotlight.
So, anonymous-villain, let’s dive right in. What drove you to build the DEAD END doomsday device and try to take over the world?

Oh, you know, classic villain stuff. Power, control, and a deep-seated hatred for the annoying hero. Plus, the whole doomsday device thing just adds a flair of dramatics. Besides, Professor Plum’s last name made it too tempting. I mean, the name just screams come and get me!
Speaking of heroes, what’s your opinion on Sergeant Billy Big Bang Blitz?
Ugh, don’t get me started on Blitz! With his annoyingly square jawline and heroic one-liners, it’s a wonder he doesn’t trip over his own grandeur. And what’s with the “Big Bang” nickname? I’m the one blowing things up around here!

Super Shop
The game *Clash at Demonhead* presents quite a challenge for players. Do you have any input on the level design?
Let’s just say some of those “fiendishly placed” power-ups weren’t supposed to be so hidden. A little sabotage on my part, perhaps? If it were up to me, they’d all be guarded by 10-foot-tall mecha-monsters with laser eyes. But then, the game’s developers stopped me – something about “keeping it fair” and “playable.” Bleh.
Could you share a specific instance where you tricked the developers or the hero?

Oh, easily! For instance, that jetpack hidden in Zone C? Totally my idea. I had hoped Blitz would never find it and end up scrambling endlessly. But alas, players smarter than the average Blitz managed to get their hands on it. Kudos to you clever scoundrels out there!
Any tips or secrets you can spill to help players beat the game?
Well, since you asked, here’s a juicy tidbit: There’s a secret shop call card in Zone F. It’s hidden behind a breakable wall. Use it smartly when you’re low on supplies. And make sure to grab the diving suit before heading to the water sections; you’d be surprised how many heroes forget it and end up drowning. Not so heroic now, are you?

Clash at Demonhead
The game has a mix of action and role-playing elements. How do you think these contributed to the overall challenge?
Ah, yes, the delightful mix that left many a hero metaphorically pulling their hair out. The role-playing elements let players customize their approach, but it also meant they could be woefully unprepared if they didn’t plan ahead. That’s where I thrived – throwing curveballs with enemies and forcing strategic buys with your hard-earned in-game cash. You think you’re prepared, but then – surprise! – it’s me, tossing a curveball your way.
What do you think about the players who’ve managed to beat the game and foil your plans?

I must say, any player who can navigate the labyrinthine mess of Demonhead Mountain, find every hidden power-up, and defeat me deserves a villainous slow clap. Well done, indeed. You have managed to outwit not only Blitz but also yours truly. Keep your victories close, for they are hard-won!
Do you have any behind-the-scenes trivia or fun facts about the game’s development?
Ah, a tale behind the tale! Originally, I pitched the idea of having a “sidekick villain” – a pet robotic chihuahua with a laser beam collar. Unfortunately, it got vetoed for being “too outlandish.” Little did they know how much chaos it could have added! And those absurdly hidden exits? Initially, they were labeled with super obvious signs. I personally event organized a midnight “sign removal” campaign.

Finally, what does the future hold for the anonymous-villain? Return, retirement, or something else?
As much as I’d love to say I’m hanging up my villain cape, there’s always a part of me plotting in the shadows. So keep your pixilated heroes on their toes, dear players. Who knows? Maybe a remaster, or perhaps a surprise cameo in another game. Until then, may your adventures be challenging and your victories sweet.
Thank you for joining us today, anonymous-villain. It’s been wickedly delightful!

The pleasure was all mine. And remember – always check behind breakable walls. You never know what secrets I’ve left lingering!