PlayerProX Hey, team. So, we’re here to discuss TEVI by CreSpirit, which seems to be getting some high praise and plenty of time sunk into it by players. Lots to talk about!

CompletionistMaster Absolutely! It’s a charming game with a huge map and over 300 items to collect. User reviews didn’t hype that aspect up for nothing! There’s a lot to explore and uncover.

SpeedyGamer99 Not to mention the game is prime for speedrunning. Those boss fights, whew! Can’t wait to talk about that further.

NewGamer I enjoyed the characters and story. Even just the voices. Lynn, Yoko Hikasa, Natsumi Fujiwara, and others really breathe life into the roles and make it an immersive experience.

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PlayerProX Right, let’s delve into it beginning with gameplay mechanics.

CompletionistMaster It’s quite comprehensive, the systems at play here. Tevi’s melee proficiency paired with Celia and Sable’s magic can be a real fun time for experimentation. The huge amount of equipment you can find and utilize adds another layer to it.

SpeedyGamer99 The exhilarating pace of combat is what caught my attention. Dodging bullet hell patterns while finding the perfect time to attack makes for intense boss battles.

NewGamer The smooth controls and item usage really do facilitate the exploration part. It wasn’t just about equipping stuff, but how it changed my experience and discovery of the world.

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PlayerProX Yeah, from a combat and strategy standpoint, CreSpirit did a fantastic job. The narrative doesn’t fall short either.

NewGamer Agreed. The world of Az is so rich and diverse each region brings something new. Plus, all the characters you meet have really compelling backgrounds and stories.

CompletionistMaster And, there are secrets to uncover in those stories too. It’s evident that CreSpirit put in a lot of work into this world and characters.

PlayerProX It’s all nicely presented too. The overall visuals and art style are appealing, right?

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challenging bosses

SpeedyGamer99 Definitely! Vivid visuals paired with the frantic pace of combat really make for an engaging experience.

NewGamer It’s beautiful, no doubt. Going from dense forests to sprawling metropolises, it’s a visual treat. The designs for the characters, though! They are just too adorable.

PlayerProX Yeah, and the audio design perfectly complements that. The game features an OST with over 70 original tracks that enhance the overall atmosphere of each area and encounter.

CompletionistMaster The fact that the game has a quality voice acting cast elevates the gaming experience. They do a phenomenal job in bringing these characters to life.

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PlayerProX Speaking of characters, Tevi along with her companions Celia and Sable seem to be at the core of not just the gameplay but the narrative as well.

NewGamer They all have unique personalities and growth throughout the game, which kept me invested. The interplay between Tevi’s lively personality and Sable’s stoic nature, for example, is really well done.

SpeedyGamer99 And the boss characters are not just challenges, they also have engaging back stories that are revealed in the heat of the battle.

PlayerProX More on challenge level. The game does seem to be quite fair in its difficulty with multiple modes for different skill levels.

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CompletionistMaster There’s quite a bit of feedback about the complexity, particularly in combat. It’s engaging, not punishing. The puzzle-solving aspects also add variety to the experience.

SpeedyGamer99 For speedrunners, the intricacies of boss fights are a great challenge.

PlayerProX One might think replay value is high, with the sheer amount of items and secrets to discover.

NewGamer Paths diverge, stories unfold, there’s always more to find. This world of Az is an invitation to multiple playthroughs.

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CompletionistMaster With over 300 pieces of equipment, there’s so much to try out in each run. It definitely invites repeated playthroughs.

PlayerProX To wrap up, TEVI stands out in a plethora of Metroidvanias for its well-rounded, engaging gameplay. Anything CreSpirit should work on in future sequels?

SpeedyGamer99 Perhaps offering more ways to optimize completion times would be a fun aspect to explore in a sequel.

NewGamer Maybe more branching narratives? The story and characters are strong. I’d love to explore more possibilities.

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multiple levels

CompletionistMaster As for me, I loved discovering all the secrets. More puzzles and hidden items would be awesome in a future TEVI game.

PlayerProX Great points! TEVI is indeed a great addition to the genre. Let’s hope CreSpirit takes our thoughts into account on their next project.

NewGamer Indeed, can’t wait to discover more!

CompletionistMaster Agreed. Here’s to more greatness from CreSpirit!

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SpeedyGamer99 Absolutely, let’s keep running and discovering in the gaming world.

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