Interview with the Anonymous Villain of Mega Man 2

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain, to our spotlight today! First, let’s get straight to the point—how does it feel to be constantly outshone by Mega Man, our blue bomber hero?

anonymous-villain Ah, the pleasure is all mine. Or at least, it would be if you weren’t so enthusiastic about that glorified tin can! Being outshone by Mega Man? Please. It’s like being overshadowed by a glorified toaster. The truth is, I relish the challenge. Watching him dodge, duck, and barely scrape through my meticulously crafted death traps? Utterly delightful.

bgc-villains Quite a perspective! Tell us about your latest creations: Metal Man, Air Man, Bubble Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, and Wood Man. How did you envision them compared to Dr. Light’s?

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Mega Man 2

anonymous-villain My creations are a masterclass in robotic supremacy. Unlike Dr. Light’s outdated hunk of bolts, each of my Robot Masters is a work of chaotic brilliance designed to exploit Mega Man’s vulnerabilities. Take Air Man, for instance. His unpredictability with those whirlwind attacks? Marvelous! Bubble Man was just to throw a curveball—a robot that works underwater? Come on, who saw that coming? The aim was versatility and, may I say, wizardry.

bgc-villains Your minions sure present a challenge, even with Mega Man stealing their powers. How do you feel about this aspect of the game?

anonymous-villain Oh, Mega Man’s thievery? Let’s call it what it is—a crutch. Without it, he’s just another little person in spandex. But in reality, it’s part of my master plan to keep the game interesting. A challenge isn’t a challenge without a teaser. Though, seeing him use the wrong power against the wrong Robot Master? It’s a comedy goldmine!

bgc-villains The game’s E-Tank and Password system provide quite the assist to players. Any thoughts on these additions?

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anonymous-villain E-Tanks are laughable, akin to giving hemorrhaging credibility band-aids. All they do is prolong the inevitable. And don’t get me started on the Password System! It’s like they’re handing out cheat sheets. Oh, but don’t accuse me of being snobbish—props to those who beat the game without leaning on these crutches. You’ve danced with the master and lived to tell the tale!

bgc-villains It seems you’ve got a bit of a soft spot for the skilled players. Care to divulge any secrets or strategies that can help the less fortunate?

anonymous-villain Haha, you wish! Well, alright, here’s a dribble of charity: Quick Man’s stage is essentially a death sentence, but the Time Stopper weapon greatly simplifies it. And here’s another—crushing Heat Man? Use Bubble Lead. It’s almost poetic, defeating fire with bubbles. Makes you wonder if I slipped that in just for laughs.

bgc-villains Were there any design choices or challenges in the game that you felt missed the mark?

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Rockman 2 in 1988, Japan

anonymous-villain Flash Man’s level—good attempt at nonlinearity, but it’s more of a maze than a puzzle. Also, have you noticed those annoying, pitfall-laden conveyors in Metal Man’s stage? I designed them to be the perfect irritation, yet somehow some players just breeze through—it boggles the mind!

bgc-villains If you weren’t the villain, who would you be in Mega Man 2?

anonymous-villain Ha! A curious question… perhaps I might be Dr. Light, orchestrating everything from the shadows. Or maybe Bubble Man, floating aimlessly—a metaphor for my countless schemes drifting just within Mega Man’s reach. Either role, I’d still be pulling the strings.

bgc-villains Let’s sprinkle some trivia. Any behind-the-scenes tidbits from Mega Man 2’s development you’d like to share?

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anonymous-villain Here’s one for you—those trap placements in Quick Man’s stage? Originally, they were far less… punishing. A little tweak here and there, and voila! An instant player’s nightmare. And let’s not forget the music. Did you think the iconic tunes were just happenstance? A little hypnotic composition, keeps players coming back for that sweet, sweet suffering.

bgc-villains As a closing teaser, what’s next for you? Another return, or perhaps retirement?

anonymous-villain Oh, retirement is not in my lexicon. Let’s call it… recalibration. There’s always another scheme brewing, another challenge to concoct. So, keep your circuits sparking and pulses racing, because the anonymous-villain isn’t done yet. Remember: while heroes may come and go, I am timeless.

bgc-villains Thanks for the enlightening and entertaining chat. We’ll keep an eye out for your next dastardly plan!

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anonymous-villain The pleasure was all yours, bgc-villains. Until our next encounter, which, trust me, will be sooner than you think. Muahaha!

You can also read the Classic conversation for Mega Man 2 here or the Tips & Tricks for Mega Man 2 here!

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