Interview with anonymous-villain from Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! It’s an absolute pleasure to have the mastermind behind Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!! with us today. Let’s jump right in. How do you feel about being the primary antagonist in such a brain-twisting adventure?

anonymous-villain Ah, Deja Vu, the game where I get to pull the strings from behind the scenes! It’s absolutely delightful! Watching Ace Harding fritter about in a haze of confusion is like orchestrating a very intricate symphony. I laugh with sheer glee every time he stumbles into one of my cleverly placed traps, trying to piece together his shattered memory. It’s art, really.

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bgc-villains Ace Harding, our protagonist, has quite the rollercoaster journey. What do you think about him?

anonymous-villain Ace Harding, the puzzle-solving pugilist! Oh, he tries so very hard, doesn’t he? But really, he should have stuck to boxing; the poor chap is just out of his league. Every time he wakes up clueless in that dingy pub bathroom, it’s like watching a goldfish trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube. Endearing, but completely ineffectual without the brave players guiding him, of course.

bgc-villains Speaking of players, many have found the game’s challenges exhilarating yet frustrating. What’s your take on the game’s design?

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point-and-click adventure game

anonymous-villain Exhilarating yet frustrating is precisely what I was aiming for! My traps and red herrings are delicately handcrafted to turn even the most astute detective into an exasperated mess. The inventory management? A stroke of genius! Who knew a man could carry so many red herrings in his trench coat? The key here is to think like a villain. What would anonymous-villain do to thwart Ace? Once you’ve mastered that, my labyrinthine challenges start to unravel.

bgc-villains Some players complain about the instant death moments. Are those really necessary?

anonymous-villain Instant deaths are my signature touch, darling! They are like my little calling cards, saying, Better luck next time! They encourage players to be meticulous, cautious, and, dare I say, overly suspicious. Each misstep a chance to reset and rethink. It’s all about sharpening their detective instincts – or, you know, just adding to their nightmares.

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bgc-villains There have been whispers about hidden secrets and Easter eggs in the game. Care to enlighten us?

anonymous-villain Ah, the whispers of secrets! Why should I share my little joys? But fine, a small hint wouldn’t hurt. The game’s world is littered with clues in the most mundane places. For instance, have players thought to check the lining of that overcoat? Or pondered why the seemingly useless objects might hold more value than meets the eye? Sometimes, the smallest trinket can be the key to the most convoluted puzzle. Sifting through every nook and cranny is essential.

bgc-villains What’s your view on the multi-window interface and mouse support that Deja Vu introduced?

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You see a mugger!

anonymous-villain Innovatively diabolical! It’s like handing the player multiple magnifying glasses and watching them fumble between them. The multi-window interface adds layers of complexity and is, quite frankly, a distraction that works in my favor. It’s akin to a magician’s misdirection, keeping the players’ eyes moving while I have Ace tied up in knots.

bgc-villains Now, let’s address the power-ups and items that appear strategically. Were they truly intended to help the protagonist?

anonymous-villain Help Ace Harding? Oh, perish the thought! Every item’s placement is intricately designed to either convolute even further or provide just enough of a lifeline to instill false hope. The joy is in the delicate balance of aid and hinder. When players figure out which items to use and when – that’s when I know I’ve met true cunning minds.

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1940s hardboiled detective novels and films

bgc-villains You speak highly of the players who manage to solve the game. Care to offer them a word of compliment?

anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely! For the select few who have navigated the maze of my creation and outwitted me – bravo! It takes a mind as sinister as mine to see through the fog and piece together the puzzle. Savor that victory, for you’ve truly danced on the edge of sanity and emerged victorious. But remember, it’s only fun until it isn’t, and another challenge always lurks around the corner.

bgc-villains Last but not least, do you have any plans for the future?

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anonymous-villain Ah, the future! Whether I shall return to weave another web of deception or hang up my villainous cloak remains to be seen. But rest assured, if I do reappear – and I just might – I will bring even more twisted conundrums and devilishly delightful puzzles to frustrate and beguile. Ace’s nightmares may just have one more encore left.

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain, for sharing your intriguing insights and wicked humor. It’s been quite the revelation.

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine! Now, go forth and ponder every hidden clue and cryptic message. Oh, and keep your wits sharp – you never know when I might return!

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bgc-villains Well folks, there you have it. Stay vigilant and who knows, you might just outplay anonymous-villain in his own game. Until next time!

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You can also read the Classics conversation for Deja Vu here!