Interview with anonymous-villain, the Main Villain of Dr. Mario

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! We’re excited to hear your side of the story. How does it feel being the main obstacle in Dr. Mario’s path?

anonymous-villain Oh, it’s an absolute blast! Watching Dr. Mario frantically toss his oversized vitamins around like he’s on a sugar rush never gets old. It’s like watching someone try to solve a Rubik’s cube while being chased by a swarm of bees.

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bgc-villains Speaking of Dr. Mario, what’s your opinion of him?

anonymous-villain Ah, Dr. Mario—a physician with a penchant for puzzles. Personally, I think he might need to reassess his career choices. I mean, who uses giant, color-coded capsules to combat viruses? That’s like trying to solve global warming with a really big ice cube.

bgc-villains What’s your take on the game’s difficulty? Fair, or do you think it gives you an unfair advantage?

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Can you beat the top score?

anonymous-villain Oh, it’s definitely skewed in my favor. The game starts easy enough, but then the pills come down faster than coffee stains on a white shirt. Plus, the developers threw in some curveballs—they intentionally made the pills difficult to control just to keep things interesting. So, if you’ve ever felt like the pills have a mind of their own, you’re not wrong.

bgc-villains Can you reveal any hidden secrets or strategies that players can use to their advantage?

anonymous-villain Ah, if I must. Pro tip: stack the pills vertically in two columns, leaving space on either side. This method gives you more flexibility to maneuver and manage what’s already in the bottle. Also, aim for combos—the more viruses you wipe out in one go, the slower the new pills drop. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll make it easy for you!

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bgc-villains What’s one feature or power-up you think is absolutely useless?

anonymous-villain The speed setting option—what a joke! They let players choose slow, medium, or fast speed, as if it makes a grand difference. Once you get into the thick of things, it all feels like you’re juggling chainsaws anyway. Fast mode is for the thrill-seekers or those looking to give me a good laugh.

bgc-villains Are there any parts of the game you think are really unfair to you as the villain?

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ugh, Dr. Mario

anonymous-villain Those two-player battle modes are an absolute travesty. Just when I’m about to trip up one player, suddenly the other player swoops in, and it turns into a high-speed relay race against me. It’s like unleashing two Dr. Marios on a caffeine spree!

bgc-villains Do you have any words for those players who manage to clear all the levels and beat the game?

anonymous-villain Hats off to you, maestros of medicine! You’ve either got the reflexes of a cat or the strategic mind of Sun Tzu. But remember, while you’re busy patting yourself on the back, I’m back here, ready to spawn more chaos in the sequel!

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bgc-villains Do you have any behind-the-scenes trivia about the game’s development that can give us a good laugh?

anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely. Here’s a fun tidbit: during development, the creators actually had a bug where all the pills turned invisible. Imagine Dr. Mario trying to stack invisible capsules—it was like watching someone build a house of cards in total darkness. They fixed it, of course, but the memory still tickles me.

bgc-villains Lastly, what’s next for you? Planning a return or perhaps a quiet retirement?

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anonymous-villain Return, baby! A villain must always be ready for the next plot twist. I’m stocking up on more tricky viruses and maybe a few new colors just to mess with Dr. Mario’s head. So keep those reflexes sharp and prepare for another round—you haven’t seen the last of me!

bgc-villains Thanks for the chat, anonymous-villain. It’s been a real treat!

anonymous-villain Likewise! Until we meet again in the pixelated battlefield, may your pills be mismatched and your viruses multiply!

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You can also read the Classics conversation of Dr. Mario here!

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