Interview with anonymous-villain: The Ghostly Nemesis of Ms. Pac-Man
Thank you for joining us today, anonymous-villain. We’re eager to hear your side of the story in this famed arcade chase. Why don’t we start with an introduction?
Ah, the pleasure is all mine, truly. I am the cunning orchestrator of mazes and the conductor of mayhem, also known as the greatest tormentor of that insatiable circle—ahem—Ms. Pac-Man. Some call me a villain, but I prefer guardian of gluttony. You see, someone has to keep that yellow muncher in check!

Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Sue
Quite the colorful title! Tell us, what drives you to chase Ms. Pac-Man relentlessly?
Besides the thrill of the hunt? Motivation comes in the form of pure discipline. Ms. Pac-Man is like that unruly guest who won’t leave the party, munching on every canapé in sight. My team and I—Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and crafty Sue—are simply the haunted butlers trying to restore order to our maze-mansion.
Speaking of your team, do you feel each ghost has a unique role in thwarting Ms. Pac-Man?

Absolutely! Blinky is our fearless leader, always hot on her trail. Pinky, the tactician, likes to predict and preempt her moves. Inky, the wildcard, adds an element of surprise, and Sue—ah, Sue—relentlessly guards the nether regions of our domain. Together, we’re an impeccable fortress of spectral obstinance!
That sounds intense. But why do you think Ms. Pac-Man remains so determined to defy you?
Determined? More like deluded! She really thinks those Power Pellets were left there for her invincibility? Please! That’s developer sabotage, I tell you! Just when we ghosts have her cornered, she gobbles one up and turns the tide. It’s unfair game mechanics, really. But hey, if players can spot these pellets early and plan their routes, they might stand a chance! Not much of one, though.

Ms. Pac-Man
You seem to take pride in the difficulty. Any favorite moments when you’ve managed to outsmart a player?
Oh, countless! Let’s not forget the classic—the corner trap. Watching players impulsively dart into a dead end, only to have Blinky and Pinky close in from opposite sides—that’s a masterpiece of planning! And let’s be honest, some players’ panicked reactions are pure comedy gold.
What about those bouncing fruits? How do they fit into your grand scheme?

Ah, the fruits! So innocent, yet so tricky. Mere distractions, you see. While Ms. Pac-Man peers starry-eyed at the bouncing cherries, she forgets we ghosts are closing in. Not that she learns; she’s just that greedy. For players: focus on the real challenge—surviving us—and grab the fruits if you have the luxury. Spoiler: you rarely will.
Some players have managed to complete the game despite your best efforts. What do you have to say to them?
To those persistent few who manage to outwit us? Well, bravo, I suppose. But let’s not inflate your egos too much. It takes more than a few lives to call it mastery. Consider it a fluke, dear victors, a mere glitch in the ghostly matrix. Enjoy your fleeting triumph, for the maze will always be waiting. Mwahaha!

There seems to be a lot of affection between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, hinted at in the intermissions. Does that irk you?
Affection? More like a public display of pixelated annoyance! Yes, we ghosts rewind to our haunted corner during those syrupy scenes, perhaps sharing an amused eye-roll. Romantic escapades have no place in a serious game of cat and mouse—or, in our case, ghost and muncher.
Before we conclude, any hints or secrets you’d like to share with players?

affection between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man at intermissions, ugh
Oh, why not? Here’s a tidbit: keep an eye on Sue, she’s the slowest due to her late addition in the Pac-Man saga. Use that to your advantage. And don’t get too comfortable after clearing a maze; each new level brings more speed and less predictability. Stay sharp, or become ghost fodder!
That’s very insightful, anonymous-villain. Lastly, any plans for the future? Will you continue your haunting ways?
The haunting never truly ends, my dear interviewer. As long as there are dots to be devoured and mazes to be navigated, we ghosts will linger in the shadows. Perhaps, just perhaps, one day I might retire to a spa for spectral beings, but until then, Ms. Pac-Man has not seen the last of me. Keep munching, mortals.

Thank you for the enlightening interview, anonymous-villain. Best of luck haunting those mazes!
You can also read the Classics conversation of Ms. Pac-Man here!