Interview with anonymous-villain of Solomon’s Key
Greetings, anonymous-villain! Thank you for sparing some of your undoubtedly sinister schedule for this interview. Let’s get right into it. Why do you pose such difficult challenges for our hero, Dana?
Ah, Dana, that pesky little magician! If I made things too easy, where would the satisfaction be in besting me? I thrive on his frustration – it’s like the finest vintage wine. Plus, who wouldn’t love a labyrinth of tricky puzzles and exasperating enemies?

I thrive on his frustration
Speaking of enemies, which of your minions do you think gives Dana the most headaches?
Oh, undoubtedly my favorite minions are the fire-breathing gargoyles. They make navigating those tight spaces oh so delightful for our dear Dana. I like to think of them as my personal welcome committee, always eager to greet him with a warm embrace – literally!
Solomon’s Key is known for its hidden secrets and power-ups. Any favorites among those nefarious traps you’ve laid for our hero?

Ah, the hidden secrets! I do take pride in my devious placements. Take the hidden fairies, for instance. Sure, they grant extra points or lives, but they’re often tucked away in corners Dana is likeliest to overlook when he’s too busy dodging my delightful gargoyles. It’s hilariously satisfying when players miss them because they’re too hurried or careless!
The time limit is another one of your wicked mechanisms. Why did you decide on such an addition?
Strategy, my dear friend, strategy. Without a ticking clock, players might think they could outwit me by taking their sweet time! I added the time limit to ensure Dana remains under pressure, solving puzzles swiftly while avoiding my minions. Nothing like a little countdown to induce some panic!

What happens if time runs out.. tick-tock
Let’s talk game mechanics. It seems like the wand’s ability to create and destroy blocks is a double-edged sword. What was your thought process behind this?
Ah, the magic wand. On one hand, it allows Dana to navigate my levels with surprising ingenuity. On the other, it often lures players into traps of their own making! One wrong block placement and poof, that’s another life lost. It’s a delightful mix of empowerment and peril, don’t you think?
In terms of the game design, were there any particular elements you convinced the developers to include to make the game more challenging?

Oh, absolutely. I insisted on indestructible blocks. Imagine the chaos if all blocks were at Dana’s mercy! The indestructible ones force him to think creatively, and sometimes, they’re strategically placed to lead him straight into my minions’ grasp. Mwahaha!
Some players have managed to defeat you and complete the game. Any grudging respect for those who achieve this feat?
Ah, respect – such a charitable word. Let’s just say that those who manage to escape my clutches and retrieve Solomon’s Key have earned a small nod of acknowledgment. They’ve danced through my infernal mazes, faced my minions, and still emerged victorious. But rest assured, their victory is fleeting. There’s always a new challenge around the corner…

Do you have any parting words of wisdom or hints for the players who want to conquer your labyrinth?
Wisdom? Hmm, I’m not one to give away too much. But let’s say… always look for hidden rooms. Some of the most valuable items are tucked away behind seemingly innocuous walls. And players, remember – patience is a virtue, but speed’s your best friend!
Finally, any hints about your return or possible retirement?

Solomon’s Key
Retirement? Hah! Not while there’s still a single magician left to torment! Let’s just say I have some plans brewing, and Dana’s trials in Solomon’s Key may just be the beginning. Stay tuned, my friends. The best is yet to come!
Well, there you have it, gamers! Straight from the lips of anonymous-villain himself. Thank you for your time and insights, anonymous-villain.
The pleasure, as always, was entirely mine. Now, back to plotting your next downfall…