Welcome, anonymous-villain, to our villainous interview series! It’s a pleasure to have you. First question: Let’s get straight to the juicy bits. What’s your take on the Guardian? How do you feel about having a jet-suited warrior rain on your parade?
Ah, The Guardian Legend. The beacon of hope, the embodiment of spandex and heroism. Honestly, it’s almost endearing how they flit about, trying to undo all my hard work. Such dedication to saving Earth—it would be admirable if it weren’t so tedious! I mean, they wander in thinking they can easily sabotage my meticulous setup. Little do they know every power-up, every shiny weapon upgrade, is just another cog in my grander scheme!
Speaking of meticulous setups, let’s talk about NAJU. What inspired you to create such a labyrinthine space station?

Defense System
Inspiration? My good friend, what inspiration is needed when sabotage and pure chaos are your guiding stars? NAJU isn’t just a space station—it’s a modern art masterpiece! It’s got everything: elaborate corridors, mind-boggling puzzles, enemies with impeccable aim. It’s like the Louvre, but for sci-fi action fans. And let’s be honest, watching The Guardian Legend scramble through my fully randomized labyrinth, discovering hidden passages like overgrown Boy Scouts? It’s a chef-d’oeuvre.
The game’s developers seem to have included a lot of upgrades for the Guardian throughout the game. Any thoughts on that?
Upgrades. Ha! Those overly eager developers, always thinking they’re helping. Little do they know, they’re playing into my hands. The Guardian relies on these trinkets, thinking each one will be their savior. But haven’t they heard the old adage? “The more they have, the harder they fall.” I mean, what’s a battle without a bit of false hope sprinkled here and there? Besides, if you cure every ailment with a power-up, you lose the thrill of real struggle.

Rumor has it you’ve hidden some secrets throughout the game. Care to share any?
Oh, but where’s the villainy fun in that? Surely a few breadcrumbs wouldn’t hurt though. Players who are keen-eyed might notice that the darkest corners hold the brightest secrets. Keep an eye on the walls! They’re not just barriers—they may lead you to untold power if you’re resourceful enough. But remember, every boon comes with a corresponding bane.
There’s a hidden Arcade mode. Your thoughts on leaving that little surprise for players?

I do love a good twist. You see, the Arcade mode is pure—pure mayhem! It’s a daredevil’s paradise, where reflexes reign supreme and strategy takes the backseat. It’s as if the developers peered into my very soul and created a mode that promises blistering chaos. For those seasoned enough to face it head-on, I tip my hat. You’ve earned your stripes, albeit barely.
What do you think about the fact that some players have actually managed to beat the game?
Credit where credit’s due, I suppose. I craft insurmountable odds and they manage to surmount them. Impressive. But let’s not get carried away. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. For those persistent few who have bested me, a begrudging bravo. Enjoy the temporary glory, but remember: every mountain climbed only reveals more treacherous peaks ahead.

the Eyeball Growth is a stationary boss that fires projectiles
Any particular part of the game you think is an underappreciated dastardly masterpiece?
Oh, the good ol’ boss battles. If the average player only knew the effort put into each miniboss’s AI, they’d be sending ‘thank you’ cards—er, fear-stricken ones, perhaps. Each miniboss is uniquely tailored to drive the Guardian to the brink, to test every nerve and sinew. Yet, only the truly observant will notice the silent ballet of patterns and counters. Ah, the art in every attack—underappreciated, clearly.
Before we wrap up, do you have any advice for players attempting to conquer NAJU?

Advice? From me? Very well. Trust nothing. Every inch of NAJU is designed to deceive, to beguile. Pay attention to your surroundings, conserve your resources, and perhaps you’ll muddle through. And if you somehow prevail, do remember: Tighten your capes, heroes. My designs only grow more devious.
Intriguing. Any last words? Perhaps about a potential return?
Ah, the future! A delightful topic. Let’s just say NAJU might be one of my “lesser” projects. If the Guardian thought this was a challenge, wait until they meet my next creation. Until then, listeners, keep your wits sharp and your blasters sharper. I’ll be watching.

the Zibzub moves vertically while firing small squids
Thank you, anonymous-villain, for this illuminating and entertaining interview!
The pleasure, as always, is mine. Adieu, until the next grand scheme unfolds.
You can also read the Classics conversation of The Guardian Legend here!