The 90s were a golden era for strategy games. As an avid completionist, I find few things more satisfying than a game that challenges your strategic thinking while rewarding meticulous planning. XCOM 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed XCOM: Enemy Unknown, promises to deliver on that front by placing you in command of a guerrilla force battling an alien occupation. Here’s why it almost hits the mark, but falls short in some areas.

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Tactical Gameplay That Shines

XCOM 2’s gameplay is a perfect blend of tactical strategy, resource management, and heart-pounding tension. In this game, you command the Avenger, a repurposed alien supply craft serving as your mobile base. From here, you manage resources, research new technologies, and recruit soldiers—everything you need to inch closer to toppling the alien regime.

The real magic happens in tactical combat. With five unique soldier classes, each featuring distinct skill trees, XCOM 2 encourages you to experiment with various tactics and team compositions. Whether you’re ambushing enemy patrols or making a desperate last-minute rush to the extraction point, the exhilaration of a successful mission is unmatched. Adding to the depth, the new concealment mechanic allows for strategic setups that heighten the tension in every encounter.

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Immersive Tactical Combat

Commanding your squad through intense turn-based battles is one of the game’s greatest thrills. Creativity and careful planning are rewarded, making every victory feel earned.


Randomized maps, mission objectives, and a wide variety of enemies ensure that no two playthroughs are alike. This gives XCOM 2 a long shelf life, making it a game you’ll want to revisit.

Persistent World

The ongoing urgency as the aliens tighten their grip on Earth drives the narrative and pushes you to continue, even through the toughest missions.

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Where XCOM 2 Falters

Despite its many strengths, XCOM 2 struggles in a few key areas. The difficulty, while part of its appeal, can sometimes feel unfair. Sudden spikes in difficulty and unlucky RNG moments often lead to frustrating gameplay, particularly for completionists aiming for a perfect run.

Difficulty Spikes

Challenging gameplay is fun, but XCOM 2 occasionally crosses the line into unfair territory. Sudden difficulty jumps and bad RNG can be exasperating, especially when you’re aiming for 100% completion.

Technical Issues

While the game is praised for its depth, it suffers from occasional bugs and performance issues. These glitches can break immersion and derail your focus at critical moments.

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Visuals and Sound Design: A Mixed Bag

XCOM 2’s visual design is a bit uneven. On one hand, the environments—ranging from sprawling wildlands to towering alien megacities—are richly detailed and help build the game’s atmosphere. On the other hand, character animations are sometimes stiff, with occasional glitches that pull you out of the experience.

The sound design, while effective, doesn’t push any boundaries. The music ramps up during key moments, adding tension to missions, while sound effects give weight to your actions. The voice acting is competent but lacks emotional depth, which may leave you less attached to your squad of soldiers.

Final Thoughts

XCOM 2 is a compelling sequel that almost lives up to its predecessor. Its intricate tactical gameplay, engaging world, and replayability make it a must-play for strategy fans. However, technical issues and uneven difficulty can make it a frustrating experience at times. If you enjoy meticulous planning and strategic depth, XCOM 2 offers plenty to sink your teeth into—just be prepared for the occasional rage-quit moment.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Recommendation: Strategy enthusiasts and completionists will find much to love in XCOM 2, but should brace themselves for a few frustrating roadblocks along the way.

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