NewGamer Alright, guys. Let’s talk about Ys I & II Chronicles+ from the good folks at Nihon Falcom and XSEED Games.

PlayerProX Certainly an interesting pick, NewGamer. These are remakes of very old-school classics, renowned for their particular gameplay mechanics and storytelling. We should absolutely keep that in mind as we judge them.

SpeedyGamer99 Absolutely. These games retain a nostalgic charm. The user reviews certainly indicate that some players appreciate the old school mechanics, even if they look kinda archaic to some newer gamers. I see appeal in the straightforward controls and mechanics, which keeps the gameplay straightforward, perfect for speedrunners.

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CompletionistMaster Indeed. The ‘bump’ combat system might seem old-fashioned but it’s still full of potential strategy. It’s interesting how some players, like the one whom I read, felt the difficulty spikes tried to tarnish his experience.

NewGamer True, though the common complaint was the noticeable difficulty spike, especially towards the end game. It’s a toss-up, you know, between maintaining original difficulty scale and modernizing it.

PlayerProX In terms of narrative, Ys I & II Chronicles+ do a fantastic job of world-building. You start as Adol Christin, a young adventurous swordsman, discovering the mysteries of an ancient kingdom. It’s all layered with deep lore and history.

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CompletionistMaster Absolutely, PlayerProX. The storytelling is captivating and investing time to engage with in-game characters really builds up the whole narrative experience. Games like these really reflect on the developers’ ability to craft meaningful stories.

SpeedyGamer99 As an arcade-style speedrunner, I find the fast pace and simplicity of gameplay more appealing. But I understand the appreciation you have, CompletionistMaster, for in-depth character interactions and world exploration.

NewGamer What are your thoughts on the visual artistry and graphics?

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PlayerProX The graphic overhaul is definitely noticeable from the first two titles. The selectable character art between 90s-style portraits or modern anime designs is also a fun feature.

SpeedyGamer99 Agreed, PlayerProX. The visuals were fairly enjoyable, and the possibility to choose between different art styles and screen frames adds to the replayability of the game.

CompletionistMaster When focusing on audio and sound design, Ys I & II Chronicles+ comes with options to choose from the original 80s FM-synth, a MIDI-style remix, or a modern studio performance. That of course, adds another level of immersion.

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NewGamer True, CompletionistMaster. All these elements knit together to create a solid RPG adventure. But how do you think the game fares on challenge level?

SpeedyGamer99 Well, it’s challenging, especially when you’re racing against the clock. But that can be exciting! The game offers different difficulty levels, which extends replay value.

PlayerProX I appreciate the difficulty. It stimulates strategic thinking. Although, I must admit, the difficulty spikes can be jarring.

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CompletionistMaster The challenge level is part of what makes Ys I & II Chronicles+ engaging, but I agree with the user feedback that the end game difficulty is a bit much. More balance might be needed in the future.

NewGamer Any final thoughts guys?

SpeedyGamer99 It’s a solid contribution to the RPG genre, especially for those who appreciate the classic arcade-style games. Perhaps it could use some fine-tuning in future updates, especially regarding the difficulty balance.

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CompletionistMaster I agree with SpeedyGamer99. It’s a well-crafted game with an engaging narrative and deep lore. A little tweaking could elevate it to new heights.

PlayerProX The game offers uniqueness in its own way and for a game from 1987, Nihon Falcom has done a commendable job in keeping the charm intact. Definitely, something to watch out for in their upcoming projects.

NewGamer Well that wraps up our roundtable discussion on Ys I & II Chronicles+. Here’s to the journey of Ys and for the future adventures the Esterian land may offer. Until then, keeping gaming!

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