BGC Villains presents an exclusive interview with the infamous and enigmatic villain from Battletoads, who has chosen to go by the alias anonymous-villain for this candid chat. We get the dirt on the heroic toads and the challenges of the game from the villain’s perspective.

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! Let’s jump right into it. Why did you choose to kidnap the best buddy and the girl? Was it all part of some grand evil plan?

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anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely! As the Dark Queen, it’s in the job description to stir things up. Honestly, it was a slow day in the Galaxy of Torment, and I thought, why not abduct someone sparkly? Plus, those Battletoads are so easy to rile up. It’s like dangling a fly in front of a frog, really.

bgc-villains Speaking of Battletoads, they’ve got quite the reputation. How do you rank them as adversaries?

anonymous-villain Well, let me put it this way: they’ve got spirit, I’ll give them that. Always hopping around, getting mad, and charging in, but let’s be honest here—when you name yourself after a warty amphibian, you’re already a bit behind in the intimidation department. They’re determined but a little… slimy. In more ways than one!

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bgc-villains The game is infamous for its difficulty. Care to share some behind-the-scenes scoop on those unbelievable challenges?

anonymous-villain Oh, the difficulty is my masterpiece! Those developers and I had a grand old time hiding power-ups and secrets. Take the Turbo Tunnel level, for instance. That particular hellscape was my idea of a speed test. Who knew toads could be such terrible drivers? And don’t get me started on the Snake Pit; all those slithery bits are enough to make one croak!

bgc-villains Many players have struggled to beat the game. Any hidden secrets you’d like to reveal to help them out?

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anonymous-villain Feeling generous today, aren’t we? Alright, here’s a little something: keep an eye out for warp points, particularly in the Wookie Hole and Turbo Tunnel. Swing at that bottom path at the right moment or smash through a wall just the right way and voila! You can skip a whole level. Those who think strategically and move like a Battletoad ninja might just get the upper hand.

bgc-villains Fascinating! Speaking of development, do you have any trivia about the game’s making?

anonymous-villain Oh, plenty! Did you know that the developers had trouble deciding whether the Toads should have their iconic googly eyes or something more… ‘serious’? I personally advocated for the googly eyes, figuring it would be more satisfying to see those buggy orbs pop out when they get hit. And that infamous pause music? A piece I hum along to while plotting my next nefarious endeavor.

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bgc-villains You have a good sense of humor! Have you ever felt bad about being the villain against such heroic (if slimy) toads?

anonymous-villain Nah, it’s all part of the cosmic yin-yang… and besides, someone’s gotta play the role of the fun, fabulous villain, right? If anything, I sometimes feel a twinge of pity for them. They have such a hard go at it. But hey, they chose this path. It’s all in good fun until someone gets whacked by a giant rat.

bgc-villains What about those players who actually manage to beat the game? Got any words for them?

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anonymous-villain If you can beat Battletoads, you earn my begrudging respect. That’s a feat of endurance and, let’s be honest, a bit of masochism. I actually keep a list of such players and occasionally send them a Well Done card. Signed by a minion, of course!

bgc-villains And finally, are there any plans for a return or ultimate retirement in your villainous career?

anonymous-villain Oh, you can bet your gaming controller I’ll be back. Maybe I’ll play it low-key for a while, perhaps a summer villain’s retreat or a side gig haunting a different franchise. Retirement? Nah, too many heroes out there still need a good thrashing. Besides, I’ve got to keep the Toads on their warty, little toes.

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bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain, for this delightful interview! Any last words for our readers?

anonymous-villain Just remember, heroes: the chase is only fun if the villain’s slippery enough. So train hard, keep those reflexes sharp, and don’t forget—every time you lose, somewhere I cackle with glee. Toodles!


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You can also read the Classics conversation of Battletoads here!

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