Interview with anonymous-villain from the NES game Ghostbusters

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain. It’s an absolute thrill to have the mastermind behind all the ghostly havoc here. Thank you for joining us. Let’s dive right into it—why the sudden increase in hauntings in New York City?

anonymous-villain Ah, the pleasure (and the chills) are all mine. Let’s just say New York isn’t ready to handle its paranormal nightlife. Why the sudden spike? Well, those ghastly readings were a clever bit of spectral engineering on my part. What’s a city that never sleeps if not haunted round-the-clock? I have to commend the Ghostbusters’ reactive enthusiasm, though. Every ghost caught, every sliming incident—it’s all rich entertainment for the nocturnal elite, like myself.

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watch for ectoplasm

bgc-villains That sounds… shockingly methodical. How do you feel about the Ghostbusters and their relentless pursuit of the supernatural?

anonymous-villain The Ghostbusters! Oh, where do I begin? Their endless pursuit is adorable. Really, it is. Watching them fumble with their proton packs, catch ghosts like fireworks and miss more often than not—it’s like a macabre ballet. It’s almost unfair how they suffer over every lost phantom. Perhaps, if they spent less time customizing their Ghostmobiles and more on competent ghost-wrangling, we’d have a game on our hands. But I digress; their determination is as commendable as it is laughable.

bgc-villains Speaking of their equipment, what’s your take on their high-tech ghostbusting gadgets?

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Stay-Puft Marshmallow man

anonymous-villain Gadgets, you say? Oh, the proton packs are a hoot. Ah, the irony! Using a nuclear device for catching a prankster poltergeist? It’s positively overkill and yet illustrative of human arrogance. In a way, their over-reliance on tech is their Achilles’ heel. Those traps—charming devices really—often miss by a mile. Maybe they should’ve asked the developers for a cheat code. Oh wait, that’s my job, isn’t it? A fun fact: the developers hid a few quirks in your favor, dear players, in the form of those loadout modifications. Use them wisely. Or face relentless slimes.

bgc-villains Do you have any secrets or quirks in the game’s design that you used to your advantage?

anonymous-villain Ah, secrets—my favorite topic! You see, I orchestrated the increase in PK levels to always keep the Ghostbusters on their toes. Ever try getting through New York traffic in the Ghostmobile during a ghost frenzy? It’s a nightmare by my design. But here’s a tidbit: if one’s quick with the trap, there’s a minor latency when ghosts phase back into our world. Use that split second to your advantage! The game’s flaws, you see, were unintended gifts to my grand scheme.

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bgc-villains How do you feel about players who manage to beat the game and defeat you?

anonymous-villain Ah, the players who overcome my hauntings—they’re a rare breed. I tip my phantom hat to them. It’s not everyone who can juggle supernatural chaos with such finesse. A word of caution: beating the game is merely the beginning. I’ve ensured you face an uphill battle. Every virtual ghostbuster who takes me down? You’re temporarily victorious, but know this—ghostly endurance is truly eternal. Mwahaha!

bgc-villains Tell us more about that iconic final showdown with Gozer. Any insider tips?

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Temple of Zuul

anonymous-villain The Temple of Zuul, isn’t it just divine? And Gozer—ah, what a character. That ethereal diva loves a dramatic entrance. Players should watch out for her unpredictable patterns and remember those pesky developers made sure your reflexes will be tested. Tip from your friendly villain: dodge, and trap—that’s the rhythm. And whatever you do, don’t let those terror dogs box you in. They have a hunger for heroism, if you catch my drift.

bgc-villains How do you handle the criticism of the game’s difficulty and repetitive nature?

anonymous-villain Criticism? How droll. The difficulty is my chef-d’œuvre. The repetitive nature? It’s called endurance training, my dear critic. The ghosts and I? We thrive off redundancy; it’s part of the charm. You want a walk in the park or thrilling ghost escapades? Embrace the chaos or quit trying to defeat an era-defining villain. Mwahaha!

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bgc-villains Finally, any last words for our brave ghostbusters and players out there?

anonymous-villain Brave ghostbusters and players—aren’t you a spirited crowd! Enjoy your triumphs while they last, for I won’t retire easily. Who knows, perhaps I’m already planning a spectral encore, a revival of frightful gaming glory. Rest assured, any comeback of mine shall be a twilight of transcendental terror. Until then, keep those traps ready and your wits sharper.

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain, for the enthralling interview and the peek behind the ectoplasmic curtain.

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anonymous-villain The pleasure, truly, was all mine. Until we meet again, my spectral adversaries.

You can also read the Classics conversation for Ghostbusters here!

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