A sunny afternoon in 1990. RetroGamer84 and GamerFan are lounging in a room adorned with posters of The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. They have a fresh copy of the latest Nintendo Power magazine open to the tips section. The Nintendo Entertainment System is hooked up to a 19-inch CRT TV, and A Nightmare on Elm Street is ready to play.
Alright, everything is set. I must say, I’m quite intrigued by this one. A Nightmare on Elm Street… it’s certainly a departure from my usual questing in Hyrule or battling Wily’s robots.

Definitely. I appreciate its horror roots, having grown up on scary stories. Plus, playing as a Dream Warrior sounds fascinating. I love how it’s somewhat tied to the third movie in the series.
Yeah, there’s a lot to uncover. Did you see the latest Nintendo Power? They have some handy tips about the sleep meter and those Dream Warrior transformations.
I did! Keeping the sleep meter up by finding coffee cups and boom boxes is crucial. And, transforming when possible makes a huge difference. Let’s dive in and see if Freddy stands a chance against us
They start the game and begin navigating through the red-tinted real world, battling snakes and collecting bones.

Okay, the platforming here feels pretty standard. Nothing too groundbreaking yet. I do like how it transitions into the dream world when our sleep meter depletes. The atmosphere gets way creepier with those blue tints.
Agreed. And suddenly all the enemies turn into skeletons and ghosts. It’s a nice touch. Check this out – I found the first Dream Warrior icon! Now I have these ranged projectiles. This should make fights easier.
Ah, lucky you! The Dream Warriors aspect is genius – getting different powers keeps it engaging. Oh, look – I found some coffee, back to the real world for me!
They continue through levels, switching between worlds, collecting bones, and defeating bosses.

These bosses are quite challenging. I suspect the developers at Rare put a lot of thought into these encounters. Did you know Rare’s also been working on some promising projects? They are really carving a niche in the gaming world.
Yes, I read about them in an article. They helped design and program this game under LJN. They’re certainly busy, but it makes sense considering their impressive track record so far. Here comes the spoiler zone – up next is the last boss
Spoiler alert for anyone listening! It’s Freddy himself in the final showdown. Fighting him in the furnace room is intense. We need to make sure we enter with full sleep and life meters. Be vigilant!
After several attempts and strategic gameplay, they finally defeat Freddy.

Wow, that was exhilarating! Freddy’s final form definitely put our skills to the test. The transformations and switching worlds were both the key to success. It’s clever gameplay like this that keeps me hooked.
Agreed. The ending tied it together nicely – throwing Freddy’s bones into the furnace. It’s quite thematic, even if a bit clichéd. I appreciate the closure.
Overall, I’d rate this game quite high for creativity and the horror experience. It’s not on par with The Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy in terms of depth, but it excels in its own genre.
Exactly. While it has its flaws, like occasional control stiffness and some repetitive levels, it stands out by offering multiplayer fun with the NES Four Score, something we don’t see in most games. Plus, becoming a Dream Warrior is a blast.

Absolutely. It’s a solid addition to any NES library. And don’t forget, players can press start on the second controller at the title screen to bring a second player mid-game! Perfect for some multiplayer sessions. On a side note, tech this year is amazing, from the Super Nintendo previews to the continuing growth of the Game Boy scene. The 90s are shaping up brilliantly for us gamers.
Indeed, the future looks bright. Let’s grab some snacks and maybe dive into another challenge?
Count me in. Let’s do it!

The scene fades as they continue their gaming afternoon, discussing strategies, and reminiscing about favorite gaming moments.

Game Tips:
1. Sleep Meter Management: Keep an eye out for coffee cups and boom boxes to refill your sleep meter and prevent Freddy’s appearance too often.
2. Dream Warrior Icons: Make it a priority to find the icons in the dream world that transform you into a Dream Warrior. The special powers are invaluable.
3. Multiplayer Advantage: Utilize NES Four Score to play with friends. Up to four players can team up, making bone collection and enemy defeat easier.
4. Level Navigation: Take note of which houses you’ve completed, as backtracking isn’t necessary and can waste time.
5. Boss Battles: Enter boss fights with full meters whenever possible. Learn boss patterns and use Dream Warrior abilities to maximize damage.

Enjoy battling Freddy and conquering Elm Street, one bone at a time!
You can also read the Villain View of A Nightmare on Elm Street here!