Interview with Anonymous-Villain from 3-D WorldRunner

Greetings, Anonymous-Villain! It’s a pleasure to have you here. How’s life terrorizing Solar System #517?

Ah, bgc-villains! The thrill! Being the top terror of Solar System #517 is exhilarating. Keeping those Serpentbeasts in check and roasting that wannabe superhero, WorldRunner, are what I live for. It’s the little things that bring joy, really.

Speaking of WorldRunner, what do you think of his constant hopping and jumping?

The 3-D Battles of World Runner

Constant is right! Who runs and jumps that much? It’s like he’s auditioning for a never-ending trampoline show. Let’s be real, every jump just gets him closer to a pitfall or a well-timed Serpentbeast. And those bonus items? snickers I’ve rigged most of them to mess with his perception.

Rigged, you say? Care to share some secrets?

Absolutely! Those 3-D glasses they boast about — don’t get me started. They actually make it harder to spot the hidden traps I’ve cunningly placed. And the rocket potion? Sure, it makes him faster, but his reaction time becomes snail-like. Smooth move, WorldRunner.

Some players mention the levels can be quite tough. What do you have to say about that?

3-D WorldRunner

Tough? I prefer “strategically challenging.” If players find it hard, they can blame the developers for not giving their hero more abilities. Running and jumping? Come on! At least give the guy a pogo stick. But remember, the tougher the challenge, the sweeter the victory. Kudos to those who actually finish the game. I tip my villainous hat to you!

Any hidden secrets or tricks you’d care to share with our players?

Alright, alright, I’ll be sporting. Here’s a tip for those daring enough to defy me: in level 3, if you jump on the second column seven times, a bonus warp activates. It’ll whisk you past a horrendous section filled with my finest traps. Use it wisely — or don’t. Your call!

Why so much focus on columns and platforms? Couldn’t you come up with more creative obstacles?

Creative obstacles?

Creative? Pfft. Have you seen my Serpentbeasts? Majestic! As for the game mechanics, it was a simpler time back in ’87. Besides, what’s more satisfying than watching WorldRunner miss a column jump and plummet with that lovely 8-bit screech? Pure entertainment!

Speaking of 1987, any fun trivia from the game’s development you’d like to share?

Oh, absolutely! Did you know the developers considered giving me a giant mech-suit? I lobbied against it. Why have a giant robot when you’ve got the power of psychology? Plus, less sprite animation meant more backstory fuel for me!

Interesting choice! What’s your favorite part about challenging players in 3-D WorldRunner?

3-D WorldRunner

My favorite part? Watching players try to time their jumps with those dreaded 3-D glasses on. It’s like a bad 3-D movie but interactive. Seeing their faces when they realize some jumps are near-impossible without finding those sneaky turbo boosts? Priceless.

You’ve been doing this for a long time. Do you ever see yourself retiring or making a dramatic return?

Retire? Please. The game might be vintage, but villainy is timeless. If I were to return, I’d bring a whole new bag of tricks. Enhancements, VR compatibility — the works! For now, I’ll enjoy watching new generations tackle the classics. Until then, keep running and jumping, mortals. You’re making my day!

Thank you, Anonymous-Villain, for such an entertaining and insightful chat. Any final words for our players?

Absolutely. Remember, every pitfall you dive into and every Serpentbeast that takes you down only makes you stronger. Keep at it, and maybe one day, just maybe, you’ll beat me. Cheers and happy jumping!

You can also read the Classics conversation of 3-D WorldRunner here!

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