Interview with Anonymous-Villain from Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! It’s a rare opportunity to hear from the mastermind behind one of the most frustrating yet beloved NES games, Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest. Thank you for joining us.

anonymous-villain Oh, the pleasure is mine, truly. It’s not every day I get to step out of the shadows and bask in the adulation from those I’ve tormented…erm, entertained. Please, ask away!

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bgc-villains Let’s dive straight into it. How do you feel about Simon Belmont, the so-called hero of your story?

anonymous-villain Ah, Simon Belmont. What a man! A man so single-minded, he smashes through my beautifully chaotic Transylvania in search of my body parts. I must say, he has a remarkable dedication for scavenger hunts, doesn’t he? Although, I do think the constant whip cracking gets a tad excessive. Talk about overcompensation!

bgc-villains You’ve hidden your body parts around Transylvania, a rather unusual hiding tactic. Care to share the thought process?

anonymous-villain Ah, well, one must maintain some semblance of dramatic flair! Why keep everything in one cursed castle when you can spread the delight across all of Transylvania? It’s like a macabre Easter egg hunt. My demise must be avenged creatively, wouldn’t you agree?

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beautifully chaotic Transylvania

bgc-villains Absolutely. Speaking of creativity, many players find your game’s design rather obtuse. Any particular reason for the cryptic clues and seemingly random secrets?

anonymous-villain Oh, those cryptic clues are like poetry. Who doesn’t love a good puzzle wrapped in an enigma drizzled with a touch of menace? Besides, it’s not my fault the development team was as devious as I am. There’s true beauty in the frustration. Makes the victory all the sweeter, doesn’t it?

bgc-villains You certainly have a unique take on player satisfaction. What about the villagers who often provide… let’s say, questionable advice?

anonymous-villain Oh, those delightful denizens of Transylvania. They’re a wily bunch, aren’t they? Half-truths and riddles are truly an art form in my domain. It’s not misinformation; it’s character building! Really, if Simon can’t handle a bit of verbal ambiguity, he should stick to gardening.

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denizens of Transylvania

bgc-villains Many players struggle with the day-night cycle in the game. Any commentary on this game mechanic?

anonymous-villain Ah, yes. The quintessential Transylvanian nightlife! What is life without a bit of nocturnal excitement? The day-night cycle adds a dash of unpredictability, don’t you think? Those zombies really know how to throw a party… or crash one, depending on your perspective.

bgc-villains Let’s talk about the infamous clues left behind in Towns and Mansions. Any particularly memorable moments for you?

anonymous-villain Ah, the clues… some might call them frustrating, I call them artistic license. Take, for instance, the infamous hit Deborah Cliff with your head to make a hole. Pure genius! These tidbits are woven into the very fabric of Transylvanian society. Keeps Simon on his toes and players screaming at their screens—an added bonus.

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bgc-villains Players who manage to defeat you claim a great sense of accomplishment. How does it feel to know that you’ve provided such a grueling challenge?

anonymous-villain Oh, it warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to know I’ve brought so much vigorous hand-wringing to the masses. Those who triumph over me have truly earned their stripes. So, congratulations to you hardy souls. You’ve earned the right to boast… and probably a vacation.

bgc-villains Any words of wisdom for players currently struggling through the game?

anonymous-villain Ah, my dear struggling fans. Remember, knowledge is power. Embrace the agony of trial and error; it’s all part of the charm. And watch out for those secret passages—sometimes the walls aren’t quite as solid as they seem. Also, holy water—it’s not just for purification ceremonies anymore!

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puzzle wrapped in an enigma drizzled with a touch of menace

bgc-villains Lastly, anonymous-villain, what does the future hold for you?

anonymous-villain Ah, the future. Who can say? Retirement sounds dreadfully boring, but a well-timed return is oh so alluring. I suppose you’ll have to keep an eye out. Shadows do have a way of creeping back, don’t they?

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain, for this enlightening and delightful interview. Any last words for our readers?

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anonymous-villain Only this: tread lightly, dear players. For even in victory, the night in Transylvania is never truly silent. Until next time… if you dare.

bgc-villains There you have it, folks. Wisdom and wit from the villain of Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest. Stay vigilant, and may your wits be as sharp as your stakes!

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You can also read the Classics conversation for Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest here!

Check out these other Castlevania games!

You can also read the Villain View of Heroes of the Lance here!

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