Interview with anonymous-villain from Disney’s Darkwing Duck

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain. It’s not every day we get to hear from the other side—especially from someone who has caused so much havoc in St. Canard. Can you start by telling us a bit about your motivations?

anonymous-villain Ah, if it isn’t the so-called champion of truth seeking wisdom from the ultimate mastermind! My motivations are as clear as a moonless night. Darkwing Duck has meddled in the affairs of F.O.W.L. one too many times, and I simply couldn’t let his brash arrogance go unchecked. Someone had to bring balance to this city, and I relish in the chaos that ensues. Plus, it’s rather fun watching him hop around like a headless chicken, or duck, rather.

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bgc-villains Speaking of Darkwing, what do you think of his strategies and persistence?

anonymous-villain Persistent to the point of annoyance! His so-called strategies are nothing but flailing attempts to thwart my perfectly laid plans. His gas gun? Child’s play against my superior intellect and engineering marvels. But I do admit, his tenacity does bring a certain… flavor to my day. It’s like watching a jester trying—and failing—at acrobatics.

bgc-villains Your minions can be quite a challenge. Were there any particular design choices in the game that you used to your advantage?

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anonymous-villain Oh, the array of challenges and obstacles was no accident, I assure you. Take, for instance, the cleverly placed vanishing platforms. Designed to test a player’s timing and patience to their limits. And the assortment of enemies? Each one handpicked to exploit Darkwing’s weaknesses. If the developers made any mistake, it was underestimating my brilliance. But I must say, it is amusing to see players stumble over those hidden secrets scattered throughout St. Canard—yes, I know they sneaked those dreadful power-ups into my lairs.

bgc-villains Ah, hidden secrets! Can you reveal a couple of these to help our players out?

anonymous-villain Very well. I shall amuse myself by granting a morsel of insight. Near the bridge stage, beneath a seemingly harmless ledge, lies a special adapter for the gas gun. Only the observant will find it. And in the warehouse, amidst the chaos of crates, there’s an extra life stashed just out of immediate sight. But don’t think this will make your quest any easier. Knowledge is only half the battle against my genius.

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bgc-villains Is there any part of the game where you feel the developers truly captured your essence?

anonymous-villain Absolutely in the final showdown! The unsettling tension, the intricate maze of deadly traps, it’s like an eloquent symphony of my magnificence. The developers did an excellent job replicating the sense of hopelessness any opponent would feel facing me, although they had to balance it to keep Darkwing from falling into sheer despair, sadly.

bgc-villains Some players have managed to defeat you. Any words for them?

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anonymous-villain Defeat is a strong word, my dear. Those who navigate the gauntlet I’ve laid out and manage to reach the end deserve a nod. But let’s not kid ourselves; besting me is akin to a novice artist passing a single exam. Impressive for the moment but hardly indicative of true mastery. Yet, I’m not without my whims, and so to those victors: Bravo, now prepare for your fall should there be a next time.

bgc-villains What do you think are some flaws in the game?

anonymous-villain Ironically, some of these power-ups and checkpoints seem rather… lenient. It’s almost as if the developers didn’t want the players to face true peril. Where’s the fun in that? And letting Darkwing change weapons on a sub-screen? It ruins the seamless flow of combat. But no matter, it just keeps me entertained, thinking up new traps to counter these oversights.

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bgc-villains A little bird told me you might have some interesting trivia from the game’s development?

anonymous-villain Indeed, a little bird chirps many things. Originally, there were plans for a much more extensive network of hidden passages and complex mazes in the sewers, designed to bewilder even the sharpest minds. Ah, those were the days. Alas, constraints saw those plans curtailed, leaving just enough to make Darkwing sweat but not to his breaking point.

bgc-villains Finally, any hints about your future plans? Will we see you return, or is this your retirement?

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anonymous-villain Retirement? Droll! The night is eternal, and so are my schemes. While Darkwing bask in his fleeting victories, know this: a mastermind like me is never truly vanquished. Consider this phase a… respite. Rest assured, when the darkness calls again, I shall return to exact my splendid revenge, even darker and more twisted than before. Until then, sleep lightly.

bgc-villains Thank you for your time, anonymous-villain. It’s been… enlightening.

anonymous-villain Indeed, consider yourself fortunate to have gleaned this much. Farewell, for now.

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You can also read the Classic conversation of Duckwing Duck here!

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