“Helldivers 2” is an ambitious sequel to the beloved original, placing you in the boots of a patriotic Helldiver waging an interstellar war for freedom. As a fan of hardcore, competitive gaming, the premise piqued my interest. But it’s not without its flaws.

Straightforward Storyline

The storyline in “Helldivers 2” is straightforward. You play as a soldier fighting for Super Earth’s survival in a galactic war. The narrative focuses on a quest for freedom and high-stakes combat. While the plot is somewhat generic, it effectively sets the tone for the action-packed gameplay.

Fast-paced and frenetic, the gameplay is where “Helldivers 2” truly shines. As a third-person shooter, it demands precision and teamwork. You’ll assemble into squads of up to four, tackling strategic missions that require you to rely heavily on your allies. One unique feature that adds a layer of difficulty is the persistent threat of friendly fire, emphasizing careful coordination and communication.

The game offers a variety of loadouts, from raining down explosive firepower to stealthier approaches. The wide array of weaponry and stratagems ensures that each mission can be tailored to your preferred combat style. However, the same frenetic nature that can elevate your adrenaline also leads to some chaotic and frustrating moments, especially when friendly fire comes into play.

Visually, “Helldivers 2” is solid but not groundbreaking. The environments are richly detailed across the hostile planets, and the character models are adequately designed. The graphical fidelity supports the chaotic nature of the gameplay, though it lacks the visual punch that could have made it more immersive.

Character customization is one of the game’s strong points. You can personalize your Helldiver with various armors and requisitions that serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. This level of customization allows players to feel a deeper connection to their avatar, enhancing the overall experience.

“Helldivers 2” is a solid entry for fans of hardcore third-person shooters who revel in high-pressure, team-based gameplay. However, the game is not without its drawbacks. The narrative might not win any awards for originality, and the frenetic nature of the action can sometimes feel more frustrating than exhilarating. But if you’re looking for a game that challenges your strategic thinking and delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience, “Helldivers 2” is worth checking out.


“Helldivers 2” is a solid entry for fans of hardcore third-person shooters who love high-pressure, team-based gameplay. While the narrative might not win awards for originality and the frenetic action can be frustrating, it challenges your strategic thinking and delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience.

Pro Tip for Beginners

Stick close to your squad and communicate constantly. The game’s friendly fire mechanic punishes lone wolf tactics and poor coordination, so teamwork is your best ally.


3 out of 5 Stars – “Helldivers 2” is fun and challenging for hardcore shooter fans but has its frustrations and shortcomings.

Want to check it out yourself? Click here to see it on Steam.