Interview with anonymous-villain from Metal Storm

bgc-villains Good evening, anonymous-villain! Thank you for joining us today. Let’s jump right in—what’s it like being the main antagonist in the NES classic, Metal Storm?

anonymous-villain Well, hello there. Ah, the thrill of being the mastermind behind the chaos is unparalleled. It’s like being the ultimate dungeon master, but instead of dice rolls, I control gravity and mechs! Quite the upgrade, wouldn’t you say?

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bgc-villains Speaking of gravity, the gravity flip is one of the most notable features in Metal Storm. Care to share any thoughts on that?

anonymous-villain Ah, the gravity flip! My pièce de résistance. Let’s be honest, without it, Metal Storm would just be another run-of-the-mill pew-pew fest. But add a little gravity manipulation, and voilà, you get players questioning the very fabric of their platforming existence. It’s so satisfying to watch them flip-flopping around!

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bgc-villains The game’s difficulty spikes pretty intensely. Was that intentional on your part?

anonymous-villain Absolutely! What’s the point of world domination if it’s easy? If you’re going to defeat me, you’d better EARN it. Besides, without a challenging foe like myself, the M-308 Gunner would just be a tin can on legs, shuffling around aimlessly. I’m here to give those players a real test of skill and, of course, endless frustration.

bgc-villains Many players find the power-ups rather crucial. Were they part of your grand scheme or just developer shenanigans?

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anonymous-villain Ah, the power-ups. Let’s just say the developers had a few… suggestions. Sure, they’re there to assist players, but half the fun for me is watching them scramble to grab that shield or that time-stop power—only to miss it because, whoops, wrong side of the screen! Besides, giving them a glimmer of hope makes their eventual defeat so much sweeter.

bgc-villains There are a few hidden secrets sprinkled throughout the game. Care to share any insights?

anonymous-villain Ah, yes, the hidden gems. Much like my personality, they’re hard to uncover and even harder to exploit. For instance, on Level 5, there’s a secret path that can make the journey significantly easier, but let’s be real—finding it is like finding a needle in a haystack. Oh, and players who manage to wind up with a surplus of lives near the end? They might just learn that the final boss (yours truly) has a little contingency plan involving some rather unpredictable attack patterns.

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bgc-villains How do you feel about the few players who have actually managed to beat the game?

anonymous-villain I must begrudgingly admit, those players have earned a modicum of my respect. To vanquish me requires impeccable reflexes, a deep understanding of the game mechanics, and probably more time than what’s considered healthy. But hey, if they beat me, they’re either prodigies or gluttons for punishment. Either way, kudos. But don’t get cocky—lightning rarely strikes twice!

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bgc-villains What are your thoughts on the developers? Did they get your vision right?

anonymous-villain Oh, the developers did a fine job capturing my essence. Crafty bunch, really. They even managed to sneak in a few little quirks that I approve of, like the way enemies respawn just when you think you’re safe. Keeps players on their toes. Kudos to them for making me look as intimidating as I feel!

bgc-villains If you had the chance to modify the game, what changes would you make?

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anonymous-villain Hmm, let’s see… I’d probably introduce even more devious obstacles—random spikes, invisible foes, gravity wells, you name it. And maybe, just for kicks, a level where the gravity flips every 10 seconds with no warning. Because nothing says welcoming like inescapable chaos!

bgc-villains Finally, what’s next for you? Should players expect a return, or are you considering retirement?

anonymous-villain Oh, retirement is for the weak! Besides, there’s always another game, another realm of chaos waiting to be unleashed. Keep an eye out, dear players—you never know where I might pop up next. Until then, may your gravity always be unstable!

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bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain. It’s been a delight.

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine. And yours, of course, even if you don’t realize it yet.


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bgc-villains And there you have it, folks. A thrilling glimpse into the mind of Metal Storm’s infamous antagonist. Stay vigilant—it sounds like he might return sooner than we think!

You can also read the Classics conversation for Metal Storm here!

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