Metroid games have always been special to me, thanks to their rich environments and the thrill of sequence breaking. “Metroid Prime Remastered” on the Nintendo Switch promises to revive those memories but not without some changes. For a hardcore speedrunner like me, sequence breaking offers a unique puzzle-solving experience. While this remaster retains much of the magic, some popular sequence breaks have been patched. This can be frustrating, especially since scan dashing is gone, preventing players from getting the Space Jump Boots (SJB) early. Combat dashing off enemies is another loss, as your dash gets interrupted when the lock-on is released. Fortunately, the Trilogy’s early SJB, using a double bomb jump on a rock near the gunship, still works. However, this is the only major sequence break I’ve found, making this remaster a mixed experience for old-school fans.

Engaging Gameplay Mechanics

Metroid Prime Remastered maintains the iconic first-person adventure elements fans adore. The interconnected game world, requiring skill and intellect for puzzles and combat, remains deeply engaging. Despite patched sequence breaks, the exploration, lore scanning, and ability acquisition loop stays true to the original. The revamped controls cater well to the Nintendo Switch, supporting modern dual-stick setups and classic single-stick controls. Cloud save support is a welcome addition for those who switch devices frequently.

Stunning Visuals

The graphical overhaul in Metroid Prime Remastered is stunning. The high-definition visuals transform the once murky textures of the original into crisp, beautiful environments. The rich and atmospheric settings enhance the sense of isolation and discovery quintessential to the Metroid experience. Impressive lighting and particle effects give areas like Phendrana Drifts and Magmoor Caverns a newfound brilliance, captivating both old fans and newcomers alike.

Compelling Storyline

The storyline of Metroid Prime Remastered remains faithful to the original. You control bounty hunter Samus Aran as she battles Space Pirates and uncovers Chozo civilization mysteries. The narrative, delivered through scannable lore entries, provides depth without interrupting gameplay. The haunting atmosphere sustains the story’s intrigue, making it integral to the overall experience.

Iconic Characters

Samus Aran stands as one of gaming’s iconic protagonists. Her silent yet determined demeanor continues to be compelling. Minimal character development, traditional in the Metroid series, doesn’t detract from the profound connection players feel through her actions and interactions with the game world. The antagonistic Space Pirates and hostile creatures keep the stakes high, maintaining engaging tension throughout the adventure.

Frustrations and Rewards

While some sequence breaks, like scan dashing and combat dashing, are patched, others remain possible. The Trilogy’s early Space Jump Boots, using a double bomb jump on a rock near the gunship, is a notable exception. Despite these frustrations, Metroid Prime Remastered offers a nostalgic journey blending the best of the original with modern enhancements.

Final Thoughts

Metroid Prime Remastered is a nostalgic yet contemporary visual feast. The atmosphere, exploration, and puzzle-solving are as captivating as ever. The graphical improvements breathe new life into an already compelling experience, making it essential for both series veterans and newcomers.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Metroid Prime Remastered is superbly engaging, worth the time despite its shortcomings. The removal of beloved sequence breaks keeps it just shy of perfection.

Pro Tip: Take your time to explore and scan everything. Thorough exploration enhances the story and unlocks valuable upgrades, streamlining your playthrough.

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