Interview with anonymous-villain from Druid

bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain! We’re eager to hear your story from the other side of the necromancy. How do you feel about being the main opposition in Druid?

anonymous-villain Ah, the pleasure is all mine. Finally, a platform to share the plight and the pomp of a true mastermind! Being the chief necromancer in Druid is both a blessing and a curse. Mostly a curse for that shrub-lover, the Druid. He thinks it’s all about the skulls, but truly it’s my charisma that drives the game!

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Adventuring party

bgc-villains The Druid certainly has his work cut out with your minions swarming from everywhere. What’s your secret to keeping them so persistent?

anonymous-villain It’s all about motivation. I hold Monster Mondays where I promise extra rations of magical energy for those who manage to nibble at the Druid’s health. Keeps them enthusiastic! Besides, the developers made sure they have their spooky moments yet, like poorly-made automata, they occasionally misspell Boo! Honestly, it’s embarrassing.

bgc-villains The Druid has access to some powerful spells. Any thoughts on these?

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anonymous-villain *Laughs deviously* Oh, the Druid and his fickle magic. Water, fire, electricity… It’s like he’s operating a daycare for elemental spirits. He has no idea how to conserve his limited arsenal. Throw a few dozen critters his way, and watch him squirm as his spells dwindle. That invisibility spell, though, I must admit, it’s sneaky. Makes me think he’s auditioning to join my side.

bgc-villains The Golem he summons can be quite a challenge. How do you counter that?

anonymous-villain Ah yes, the Golem, my most unwelcome guest. A big rocky brute with brains equal to pebbles. Here’s a tip for everyone: overwhelm him with numbers. I’ll just keep birthing my delightful minions until that lumbering lump crumbles from sheer exhaustion. And, for those who master controlling it in co-op mode, consider it an accomplishment worth a sinister applause.

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dungeon crawling

bgc-villains Speaking of challenges, any design quirks or secrets you’d like to share about the game that makes it tougher for the Druid?

anonymous-villain *smirks* Oh, where do I start? The developers, bless their devious hearts, tucked away some essential keys in rather inconvenient, monster-filled locations. The health-restoring pentagrams are sporadic, just to spice things up. Don’t forget, in level four, behind that locked door, lies a cache of spell charges—drop a key there, and you’re halfway to Druid retirement!

bgc-villains How do you feel about the shops scattered throughout the game?

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anonymous-villain Ah, the shops! Such a delightful tease. The Druid can only pick one item from each, a constant torment of choice. It’s like watching a child in a candy store with a single penny. The anguish in his eyes is worth all the dark magic in the world.

bgc-villains And what about those who manage to beat the game? Any words for the triumphant players?

anonymous-villain *In an ostentatious tone* Those who best me are few and far between. However, I won’t deny them their fleeting glory. Congratulations, mere mortals, for outwitting a necromancer as grandiose as myself. Take your victory and savor it, but know this: the wheel of dark magic never stops turning!

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“Wizard attempting to thwart my plans.”

bgc-villains This game has been out since 1988. Any behind-the-scenes insights from its development that made your job easier or harder?

anonymous-villain Oh, you’d be surprised at how many tweaks the developers made to keep things fair. Their idea of fairness is ensuring I don’t completely crush the Druid within the first level. Little did they know, my resilience and craftiness knew no bounds. For instance, the original design had fewer minions; naturally, I lobbied for more—turns out necromancy is all about networking.

bgc-villains Finally, any hints about your future? A return to torment the Druid, or perhaps a well-deserved retirement?

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anonymous-villain Retirement? Ha! I am the shadows that never fade, the chill in the Druid’s spine. Let’s just say, my dark magic has been weaving something new, something spectacularly sinister. Keep your spellbooks close and your wits closer, for the next encounter with anonymous-villain will be a tale for the ages!

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain, for this illuminating and entertaining interview!

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are minions to rally and spells to conjure. Until our paths cross again!

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You can also read the Classics conversation of The Immortal here and the Villain View here!