As a speedrunner who thrives on precision and rapid-fire gameplay, diving into the psychological horror RPG that is OMORI was a bold detour from my usual gaming fare. Developed by OMOCAT, this game promises a surreal journey through a strange world brimming with colorful allies and eerie adversaries. But how does it stack up against my element of high-speed gameplay and razor-sharp mechanics? Let’s delve into the pixelated abyss.

Gameplay Mechanics

OMORI’s gameplay mechanics are rooted in classic turn-based RPG traditions, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers a nostalgic nod to beloved retro titles, but on the other, it can feel slow and methodical, a stark contrast to the instant gratification of speedrunning. The battles are strategic, requiring players to employ skills, use items, and manage emotions effectively. While this adds depth, the lack of real-time action might leave speed enthusiasts like me longing for something with more immediate payoff.

screenshot_0_OMORI: A Voyaging Dreamscape or a Tedious Nightmare?


The game’s storyline is undoubtedly its strongest suit. OMORI skillfully weaves a tale of introspection and hidden trauma, delivering a haunting narrative that lures players further into its strange universe. The characters are well-developed, each with their quirks and backstories that enrich the experience. But does an emotionally driven plot compensate for the glacial pace of gameplay? Not entirely. For someone who prioritizes efficiency and mastery of game mechanics, the story’s pacing might feel sluggish and occasionally drawn out.


Visually, OMORI is a mixed bag. The game boasts a distinctive art style, oscillating between charmingly whimsical and disturbingly eerie. The contrast between vibrant, dreamlike environments and darker, more sinister locales is striking, creating a captivating visual journey. However, while the aesthetics are engaging, they can’t always distract from the sometimes plodding pace of gameplay.

screenshot_1_OMORI: A Voyaging Dreamscape or a Tedious Nightmare?


  • Rich, emotionally driven storyline.
  • Unique, captivating art style.
  • Well-developed characters with compelling backstories.


  • Slow, methodical combat system.
  • Pacing issues that might frustrate speed-focused gamers.
  • Lack of real-time action and immediate gratification.

screenshot_2_OMORI: A Voyaging Dreamscape or a Tedious Nightmare?

Final Thoughts

OMORI is a game that excels in narrative and emotional depth but falters in maintaining a pace that appeals to speed-focused gamers. The journey through its strange world is both haunting and captivating, but it requires patience and a willingness to engage with its slower, methodical combat system. For those who savor intricate stories and unique art styles, OMORI is a must-play. However, for speedrunners and those who crave fast-paced action, it may prove to be a test of endurance rather than skill.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Given my inclinations towards high-speed, mechanically intricate games, I would rate OMORI 3 out of 5 stars. While it excels in storytelling and atmosphere, the slower gameplay mechanics and pacing issues make it a challenging recommendation for gamers who, like me, thrive on rapid gameplay and precision.

screenshot_3_OMORI: A Voyaging Dreamscape or a Tedious Nightmare?

If you’re a player who values profound narratives and can appreciate a slower, more contemplative gaming experience, give OMORI a shot. But if speed and real-time action are what get your heart racing, you might want to tread cautiously into this dreamscape.

View OMORI on Steam

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