bgc-villains Welcome, anonymous-villain, to our interview. We’re delighted to have you share your unique perspective on The Karate Kid game for NES. Let’s start with the basics: how do you feel about your role as the main antagonist in the game?

anonymous-villain Oh, please, delighted doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel! It’s pure poetic justice to see Daniel-san squirm under my menacing presence. Being the main obstacle in his monotonous quest for glory is a true honor. I always aim to bring the kind of charisma and challenge that plucky heroes like him need to keep them grounded—and miserable!

bgc-villains You’ve definitely introduced some substantial challenges. What was your favorite part of making life difficult for Daniel?

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All-Valley Karate Tournament

anonymous-villain Ah, where do I even start? Perhaps my favorite is the relentless swarm of bird attacks. There’s just something satisfying about a well-timed dive-bomb. And let’s not forget those tumultuous wind gusts! Nothing quite says experience true despair like being thrown off a platform by a rogue gust. A stroke of pure genius, if I may say so myself!

bgc-villains Speaking of challenges, players often mention the absurd difficulty spikes. How do you feel about the difficulty curve of The Karate Kid?

anonymous-villain Well, if you ask me, the term difficulty curve is a bit misleading. A curve suggests some degree of moderation. I prefer something more like a difficulty cliff. You see, the developers and I had an agreement—we wouldn’t dare allow players to get comfortable. Comfort is for the weak! And a balanced game? Preposterous! Only those who can handle the turmoil deserve to reach the end.

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bgc-villains Many players struggle with the platforming segments. Any particular reason the wind and birds are so aggressive?

anonymous-villain Ah, the old wind and birds combo—dear to my villainous heart! The idea was to embody the chaos of nature itself. You never see wind working in anyone’s favor in this game, do you? Constantly trying to knock Daniel off his high horse… or platform, as it were. The birds? They’re just flying reminders of my disdain for uninterrupted progress. Plus, it’s amusing to think of skilled martial artists being bested by birds, isn’t it?

bgc-villains True villainy! Power-ups in the game seem to be placed in, let’s say, less than convenient locations. Did you have a hand in that?

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Cobra Kai

anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely! Let’s not forget that karate is as much about endurance as it is skill. I like to think of those inconveniently placed power-ups as mini-challenges. Can you dodge a myriad of obstacles and still grab that precious health refill? Only the truly tenacious succeed. And I relish the tears of frustration from those who don’t.

bgc-villains What about the hidden secrets? Do you have any tips for players desperately trying to beat you?

anonymous-villain Oh, very well, I suppose I can throw them a bone—you know, keep things interesting. If you’re looking to conquer my formidable wind gusts, try jumping while fighting the current—it’s less about brute strength and more about timing. Oh, and in the final battle against me, patience and precision are your best friends. Don’t just mash buttons like a toddler!

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bgc-villains What do you think of the players who actually manage to complete the game and defeat you?

anonymous-villain Those players are a special breed. While it pains me to admit it, they deserve a bit of villainous respect—even though I’d never tell them to their faces. Managing to defeat me and my meticulously crafted chaos zones? Commendable. But remember, victory is fleeting. Enjoy it while it lasts!

bgc-villains Fascinating insights! Any interesting trivia about the game’s development from your perspective?

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The Karate Kid

anonymous-villain Indeed! Many don’t realize the physical training Daniel has to put in to dodge those fishermen and handle the lethal bonsai pots. The developers had a rather dark sense of humor—every detail was calibrated for maximum annoyance. Also, the one-on-one mode? A perfect prelude to see if you can handle larger doses of torment.

bgc-villains Before we conclude, many wonder about your future. Will we see you again in any upcoming titles?

anonymous-villain Ah, the eternal question! Let’s just say, an anonymous-villain like myself rarely retires. Perhaps you’ll see me in a sequel or lurking in the shadows of an entirely different genre. Or maybe I’ll take a tropical hiatus—until my next grand scheme. Stay on your toes, gamers. You never know when the wind might blow again!

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bgc-villains Thank you so much, anonymous-villain, for your time and wicked wit. Best of luck with your future nefarious plans!

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine—I think. Until next time, may your power-ups be few and far between!

You can also read the Classics conversation of The Karate Kid here!

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