RetroGamer84 Alright, so here we are, ready to dive into Totally Rad! I have to say, the game’s cover art really grabbed my attention – it’s got that electric 90’s vibe all over it. What do you think, GamerFan?

GamerFan Absolutely. The neon colors and radical fonts are so eye-catching, it practically screams 1990. I read in one of the latest issues of Nintendo Power that this game, developed by Aicom, was rebranded for its North American release to fit the ‘radical’ theme.

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RetroGamer84 That’s interesting! Let’s not waste any more time. Let’s see how Jake handles his magician training under Zebediah.

*Game starts*

GamerFan The story kicks off quickly. I like how we’re immediately thrown into action, with Jake’s girlfriend, Allison, being kidnapped. The stakes are set high right from the start. But wow, the dialogue is quite packed with slang. It’s a bit over the top.

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RetroGamer84 I agree. It’s a little jarring, but once you get past the lingo, the gameplay mechanics are promising. I like that you can access all of Jake’s magical abilities from the beginning. It adds a strategic layer to the game; you can adapt to different scenarios without waiting to unlock powers.

GamerFan Yes, having all those powers available is a real game-changer. Switching between fire, water, wind, and earth magic elements keeps the combat fresh. I’m especially fond of the metamorphosis abilities – jumping around as the feline-like creature is quite fun!

RetroGamer84 Definitely. The feline form’s electrical shocks and invincibility while jumping make it my favorite too. Though, I must say the controls can be a bit clunky at times. It takes a while to get used to the transformation mechanics and magic selection.

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GamerFan That’s true, some of the transitions between forms aren’t as smooth as I’d like. However, the level designs are quite varied.

RetroGamer84 Exactly, the platforming sections are challenging but rewarding. And speaking of challenges – let’s remind ourselves to use the healing magic often; it’s essential to survive longer.

GamerFan Good tip. Also, don’t forget to frequently charge Jake’s energy ball attack for maximum damage. It’s particularly useful against tougher enemies and bosses.

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*They progress through the game, engrossed in the action*

RetroGamer84 As we near the final stages, the difficulty spike is noticeable. These later levels really test your mastery of Jake’s abilities. It’s a bit frustrating at times, but it does feel rewarding when you finally overcome a tough section.

GamerFan Agreed. The final boss battle with Edogy is particularly intense. Spoiler alert – his multiple forms and the rapid phase changes make it a true test of skill. Surviving his final form requires precise timing and effective use of Jake’s magic.

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RetroGamer84 We did it though, and the ending reveals spoiler alert the twist about Zebediah’s true intentions. It’s a proper culmination of the story, albeit with a somewhat abrupt conclusion.

GamerFan Yeah, the plot twist was a nice touch but left us wanting a bit more closure. Nevertheless, it was a fun journey. One neat fact I read recently: Aicom, the developers, also worked on some other noteworthy titles around this period. They were pushing the limits of what the NES could do.

RetroGamer84 Well, for what it’s worth, Totally Rad does have its moments. The graphics are vibrant, the music catchy, and the gameplay, while sometimes clunky, is engaging. It’s not perfect, but it offers a unique magical adventure on the NES. Let’s summarize:

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Pros: Rich variety of magical abilities, challenging platforming sections, engaging final boss battle

Cons: Overuse of slang in dialogue, occasional clunky controls, abrupt storyline wrap-up

GamerFan That sums it up nicely. Totally Rad is a fun addition to the NES library, especially for fans of action platformers who enjoy a bit of strategic magic use. It’s not a must-play, but it’s certainly worth checking out.

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RetroGamer84 Agreed. On to the next adventure? I’ve got a fresh copy of Mega Man 3 ready to go!

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