Welcome to an exclusive interview with the notorious villain of Valis: The Fantasm Soldier – going by the alias anonymous-villain! Thank you for joining us today.
Ah, a pleasure to be here, bgc-villains. I must say, it’s quite refreshing to step out of my dark, ominous throne room and into the spotlight of an interview. So, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
Great! To start, can you tell us how it feels to be the main antagonist in such a popular side-scrolling platformer?

Oh, it’s absolutely delightful! Nothing beats seeing those hapless players face despair as they struggle through my labyrinthine challenges. The screams of anguish when they fall into one of my meticulously planned pits… it’s music to my ears. And let’s not forget the joy of confronting our self-proclaimed heroine, Yuko Ahso, as she fumbles with her newfound powers.
Speaking of Yuko, what’s your take on her journey from an ordinary high school girl to the chosen Valis Warrior?
Oh, Yuko. Sweet, naïve Yuko. Really, who goes from worrying about math homework to wielding a mystical sword without a shred of skepticism? I must give her points for adaptability, though. But let’s be honest, even with the Valis sword in hand, she’s just a teenager trying to take down an all-powerful Dark King. It’s almost too easy to toy with her. Almost.

Yuko, naive schoolgirl-turned-warrior, navigating my intricately designed landscapes
Players often complain about the hidden secrets and power-ups scattered through the game. Do you have any insight into why those were placed the way they are?
Ah, a brilliant question! The developers thought they were being clever by hiding those power-ups and secrets, thinking they’d tip the scales in Yuko’s favor. But little did they know, those items often lead players right into my perfectly laid traps. Finding a precious life-extending item just to fall into a spiked pit seconds later – it’s devious design at its finest. Consider it my little gift to those who dare think they’re clever.
It’s been highlighted that you have some control over the game’s mechanics. Can you elaborate on that?

Indeed. I had a hand in many of the game’s more… challenging features. For example, the relentless enemies that respawn just when you think you’ve cleared the screen. And those slippery platforms? That’s my handiwork. I ensured every level would test players’ patience to the limit. And as for the final bosses, including yours truly, let’s just say I’ve thrown a few curveballs to keep things “interesting.”
Players who manage to defeat you and complete the game are often seen celebrating their victory. Any thoughts on these triumphant gamers?
Well, congratulations are in order! Beating the game means they’ve bested my best challenges, and for that, they deserve a nod of respect. But let’s not get too excited; it does mean they’ve endured hours of my relentless torment. Perhaps they’ve earned bragging rights, but they should always remember – I’m never truly gone.

My minions, with their varied forms, lurk around every corner
Are there any specific flaws in the game that you find particularly amusing?
Absolutely! The hit detection is hilariously inconsistent, especially when Yuko tries to land a blow on my minions only to swing at thin air. And oh, the occasional graphical glitches that make platforms disappear momentarily – those are pure comedy gold. Let’s just say these so-called “flaws” play right into my hands, or claws, or whatever appendage you prefer.
Any quirky insights or hidden development secrets you can share?

Did you know the original design had Yuko fighting me on a field of candy canes? Thank the dark powers that idea was scrapped for something more suitably dramatic. Another tidbit – the developers wanted to add voice acting, but they feared my sultry, commanding tones might overshadow Yuko’s plucky charm. Can’t have the villain stealing the show… or can we?
Finally, any hints about your future plans in the gaming universe?
Oh, I’m far from retirement. Let’s just say fans should keep their eyes peeled and their swords sharpened. There’s a storm brewing in the digital ether, and I’m at its center. My return is inevitable, and when I come back, I’ll bring new forms of delightful devastation.

Thank you, anonymous-villain! It’s been a pleasure delving into the darker side of Valis: The Fantasm Soldier with you.
The pleasure was all mine. Until we meet again… mwahaha!
You can also read the Classics conversation for Valis: The Fantasm Soldier here!