Interview with the Villain of Deadly Towers

interviewer Thank you for joining us today, anonymous-villain. How should we address you?

anonymous-villain You know, villainy is exhausting enough without formal titles.

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bgc-villains Prince Myer has given players quite a headache. What inspired your nefarious plans?

anonymous-villain Well, let’s be honest. When you’re an evil wizard living in a tower, the boredom can be killer – pardon the pun. I needed a hobby. Disrupting peace and orchestrating chaos? It’s the ultimate pass-time, and way more fun than knitting.

bgc-villains Speaking of chaos, those Seven Bell Towers were a nightmare! What’s your take on their design?

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anonymous-villain Oh, absolutely! I told the developers, “More spikes, pits, and annoying bat enemies, please!” They delivered splendidly. Though, goofs like those random teleporters were pure gold. Even I can’t predict where those things will spit you out! Keeps Myer on his toes.

bgc-villains Many enjoy hacking their way through hordes of enemies. Do you feel the number of enemies was sufficient?

anonymous-villain Sufficient? Ha! It was a tactical masterpiece! Sure, it looks random, but every blob, bat, and beast serves a purpose – to frustrate beyond reason. I heard some players nearly gave up; I call that artistry.

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Is anything in here?

bgc-villains Let’s talk power-ups. Were they deliberately placed to feel almost useless?

anonymous-villain Oh, without a doubt. And who can forget those cryptic properties? Developers loved hiding effects. Fun fact: the red potion everyone avoids because it’s just too risky? It gives you invulnerability if you’re lucky. Rolling the dice in real villainous fashion!

bgc-villains Players who beat Deadly Towers consider it a huge achievement. Any words for them?

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anonymous-villain Absolutely. To those brave souls who took on my labyrinth of doom and emerged victorious, I tip my hat. If you can survive Deadly Towers, you can survive anything. You are worthy adversaries, and maybe a tad bit masochistic.

bgc-villains Your traps and the maze-like layout are infamous. Care to share a developer tidbit about them?

anonymous-villain Oh, I remember during development, we’d hide items in bizarre, nonsensical places just to watch playtesters lose their minds. The map designers were actually caffeine-deprived interns left unsupervised for too long. Truly, a perfect storm of confusion.

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bgc-villains Any secrets that can make the game less punishing for players?

anonymous-villain For the few mortals still braving the Tower, I’ve got a nugget. The secret exit behind that inconspicuous tapestry? Leads you to a hidden room with ample healing items. But getting back from there? That’s the tricky part. Good luck!

bgc-villains What’s next for you, anonymous villain? Any plans for a comeback or will you retire?

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Deadly Towers

anonymous-villain Ah, you can never keep a good villain down. While I might step back from the public eye, retirement isn’t in my nature. Watch out for my influence in upcoming remakes or fan mods. Where there’s a screen to haunt, I’ll be there.

bgc-villains Thanks for giving us an inside look, anonymous villain. Any final words of wisdom?

anonymous-villain Never trust a power-up based on color alone, always expect the unexpected, and don’t forget to save. Often. You never know when an anonymous villain might strike again!

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bgc-villains Thanks for the chat, anonymous villain. Until next time!

anonymous-villain It’s been wicked. Cheers to many more towers of doom!


You can also read the Classics conversation of Deadly Towers here!

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