interviewer Greetings to all our readers! Today, we have a very special and sinister guest: the one and only Dracula, or rather, the anonymous-villain from Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse! Anonymous-villain, thank you for joining us.

anonymous-villain Oh, the pleasure is mine, really. It’s not every day a dark lord gets to share his side of the story. Especially when the so-called heroes are always hogging the spotlight.

bgc-villains Let’s jump right in. Tell us, what makes you such a formidable force against Trevor Belmont and his band of merry companions?

anonymous-villain Ah, where to begin? There’s my centuries of experience in the dark arts, my charming personality, and of course, my vast army of undead minions who don’t ask for dental plans. Plus, I have the landscape of Castlevania itself – a maze of death traps and grotesque creatures. It’s called presentation, darling.

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Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse

bgc-villains Speaking of presentation, your castle is quite sprawling and intricate. Any particular room or trap you’re especially proud of?

anonymous-villain Oh, it’s hard to choose, but I must say the clock tower with its gears and Medusa heads holds a special place in my desolate heart. The platforming nightmares and the incessant ticking – it’s a symphony of chaos that even Beethoven would be jealous of.

bgc-villains The villagers are desperate, and they’ve turned to Trevor Belmont for help. Do you have any words for him directly?

anonymous-villain Trevor! Oh, dear Trevor. Such a predictable fellow with his glorified whip. To him, I say, Good luck. You’ll need it. A word of advice: hearts aren’t health, they’re ammo. Stop trying to heal with them and focus on those wall turkeys.

bgc-villains Many players find the game quite challenging. Care to spill any secrets to help them stand a chance?

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Konami 1989

anonymous-villain Well, since you insist, here’s a tip: Don’t underestimate my pets – those candles. They hold the key to your success… literally. Also, choose your path wisely. If you take the lower route through the catacombs, you’ll avoid some deviously tricky levels. And let’s not overlook the power of companions. Grant’s wall-climbing ability is positively… uplifting.

bgc-villains It’s been noted there are quite a few powerful items scattered throughout the castle. Which one bothers you the most when Trevor gets his hands on it?

anonymous-villain Oh, the Holy Water, without a doubt. It’s like inviting a vampire to a beach party. The way it splashes and burns, it’s truly despicable. I mean, who thought it’d be fair to lock a powerful alchemical concoction inside candles? Someone’s clearly got a misplaced sense of generosity.

bgc-villains The game’s developers added multiple paths and companions. Any thoughts on this ‘feature’?

anonymous-villain While I do enjoy watching players squirm as they decide between allies like the mystically annoying Sypha or that gravity-defying nuisance Grant, it’s slightly vexing. However, it does add an element of unpredictability to this otherwise meticulously planned carnage. Kudos to the developers for keeping me on my toes… metaphorically speaking, of course.

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bgc-villains There’s a lot of critique about the game’s difficulty. What’s your defense?

anonymous-villain Oh, poppycock! Life – or undeath – isn’t easy. Besides, what’s the fun in waltzing through the game, sipping tea? Challenges build character. If you can’t handle a little pixelated agony, perhaps you’re not ready to face the real world’s mundane horrors, like Monday mornings.

bgc-villains For those rare souls who manage to defeat you, any parting words?

anonymous-villain To the few who’ve managed to defeat me and live to tell the tale, I offer a slow, ironic clap. Well played. Though, between you and me, did you really win, or did I just decide to take a creative nap?

bgc-villains Before we conclude, can we expect to see you again or is this your final curtain call in the series?

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Yes, exactly

anonymous-villain Retirement? Bah! Not a chance. A villain like me thrives on comebacks. Rest assured, this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me. You readers, be vigilant – darkness is always just a pixel away.

bgc-villains Thank you, anonymous-villain. This has been enlightening and certainly… entertaining.

anonymous-villain The pleasure was all mine. Until next time, heroes and mortals alike, stay vigilant and beware the shadows!


bgc-villains And with that, our interview comes to a close. Go forth, daring adventurers, and may you survive the terrors that await in Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse!

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You can also read the Classics conversation for Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse here!

Check out these other Castlevania games!

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